
:microscope: Jupyter notebook to help automate some of the forensic analysis related to Citrix Netscalers compromised via CVE-2019-19781

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Citrix Analysis Notebook

A jupyter notebook to aid in automating some of the forensic analysis related to Citrix Netscaler hosts compromised via CVE-2019-19781.

For help retrieving artifacts to examine see this Citrix triage script.

All notes/suggestions are welcome. Feel free to submit pull requests or issues.

Disclaimer: Not intended to be a be-all end-all solution, just there to help you get started.


  • Currently handles the following logs and payload XMLs if available:
    • HTTPAccess
    • HTTPError
    • Cron
    • Bash
    • Notice
    • Sh
  • Decompression of logs
  • Parsing of logs into pandas dataframes for further analysis if desired
  • Searching of logs for common IOCs associated with compromise
  • Parsing and decoding of XML payload files if available
  • Output of analysis to excel results sheet for review

Useful Resources


v 1.0

  • Added httperror log parsing
  • Notice analysis now searches for same terms as sh analysis (sh are included in notice and thus we must search the same terms in both for the same results)
  • Dataframes will now no longer be exported to the results sheet if they are empty. Instead a log message will display which dataframes are empty in the excel writing cell of the notebook.

v 0.9

  • Added retrieval of start and end date covered by each log listed above
  • Refactored xml parsing code slightly to incorporate 'username' key allowing parsing of xmls retrieved from /xml/bookmarks

v 0.8

  • Added 'latin1' encoding to all log parsing to account for instances where logs were not in utf-8 and caused parsing errors
  • Split searchFor into searchFor and shSearchFor as sh logs have different criteria to search that doesn't show up in other logs

v 0.7

  • Added payload decoding (chr() and base64) + aggregation of all payloads into 'decodedpayloads' column

v 0.6

  • Added sh log parsing
  • Added common 'searchFor' var to config to hold search terms for suspicious activity that will be searched for in every log

v 0.5

  • Added parsing for the majority of notice logs (see errors for exceptions)
    • Exceptions are currently: sslvpn_aaad_login_handler and Session setup data send logs although they print via errors so you can still inspect them

v 0.4

  • Added bash log parsing