
Lint Stackage (extra) Deps

Primary LanguageHaskellMIT LicenseMIT

Lint extra-deps

Maintaining extra-deps in a stack.yaml (or packages in a snapshot.yaml) is a pain. If an extra dep has been moved into your resolver, you should remove it. If your extra dep has a new version on Hackage, you may want to update it. If you have a git dependency, you may want to know if that change is now available in a versioned release on Hackage.

All of these are manual, annoying, and error prone to check by hand.


Get the Download URL for the latest release,

url=$(curl --silent https://api.github.com/repos/freckle/stack-lint-extra-deps/releases/latest |
  jq '.assets[].browser_download_url | select(.|test("x86_64-linux.tar.gz$"))' --raw-output)

(You can also just browse Releases.)

% curl -L "$url" | tar xzf - &&
  mv stack-lint-extra-deps/stack-lint-extra-deps ~/.local/bin &&
  rmdir stack-lint-extra-deps
% which stack-lint-extra-deps


% stack lint-extra-deps --help
Usage: stack-lint-extra-deps [-p|--path PATH] [-r|--resolver RESOLVER]
                             [--exclude PATTERN] [--checks CHECKS]
                             [-f|--format FORMAT] [-n|--no-exit]
                             [-c|--color COLOR] [-v|--verbose] [PATTERN]
  Lint Stackage (extra) Deps

Available options:
  -p,--path PATH           Path to config to lint (default: "stack.yaml")
  -r,--resolver RESOLVER   Resolver to use, default is read from --path
  --exclude PATTERN        Exclude deps matching PATTERN
  --checks CHECKS          Checks to run, one of: all, git, hackage
                           (default: all)
  -f,--format FORMAT       Output format, one of: detailed (default: detailed)
  -n,--no-exit             Exit successfully, even if suggestions found
  -c,--color COLOR         When to use color, one of: auto, always, never
                           (default: auto)
  -v,--verbose             Log verbosely
  PATTERN                  Limit to deps matching PATTERN
  -h,--help                Show this help text


This is intended for use as part of a "Resolver Bump", when moving a project from one Stackage resolver to a (presumably) newer one. After doing so, run this linter. It will suggest any changes to your extra-deps that apply under the new resolver (such as redundant Hackage deps).


  • Suggest update when there is a newer version of a Hackage dep available
  • Suggest removal when a Hackage dep is in the resolver at a same-or-newer version
  • Confirm all Hackage extra-deps use sha-pinning
  • Suggest update when there are newer commits in a git dep
  • Suggest replacement when there is a Hackage version of a git dep at a same-or-newer version
  • Apply custom rules