A New Service Integrating MEC Into Open 5G Core


Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) represents the central concept that enables the creation of new applications and services that bring the benefits of edge computing to networks and users. By implementing applications and services at the edge, close to users and their devices, it becomes possible to take advantage of extremely low latency, substantial bandwidth, and optimized resource usage. However, enabling this approach requires careful integration between the MEC framework and the open 5G core. This work is dedicated to designing a new service that extends the functionality of the Multi-Access Traffic Steering (MTS) API, acting as a strategic bridge between the realms of MEC and the 5G core. To achieve this purpose, the free5GC is deployed in the Kubernetes cluster. The proposed service is validated using this framework, involving scenarios of high user density. The validation results indicate that the service effectively addresses the outlined issues while demonstrating its feasibility in various use cases.



  1. Centro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Telecomunicações (CPQD)
  2. Numbers Lab., Federal Institute of Goiás (IFG)
  3. Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science (INESC-TEC)
  4. Faculdade de Informação e Comunicação (FIC)
  5. Institute of Informatics (INF)
  6. Federal University of Goiás (UFG)
  7. Fraunhofer Portugal AICOS