
Minicurso - Entendendo o núcleo 5G na prática através de uma implementação de código aberto

SBrT 2020 - Minicurso 1

Understanding 5G core through an open-source implementation

João Paulo L. Silva (INF/UFG), Samuel Wanberg L. Nery (INF/UFG), Rogério S. e Silva (INF/UFG), Antonio Oliveira-Jr (INF/UFG & Fraunhofer Portugal AICOS), Kleber Cardoso (INF/UFG) e Cristiano B. Both (UNISINOS)

This tutorial explores 5GC internals through an open-source implementation called my5G-core. The tutorial is divided into sections, including installation and development environment setup, code overview, 5G system procedures execution, and a non-3GPP IoT use case. Each section provides videos and manuals to replicate these steps. All the procedures can be reproduced using a regular computer, e.g., a laptop (bare-metal or virtual machine), and the materials provided in this repository. my5G-core is a fork of the free5GC project and integrates the my5G initiative.


  • Article
  • Sections
    • Installation and development environment - shows the steps required to install dependencies, download the source code, compile network functions, execute my5G-core and setup a local development environment.
    • Code overview - presents how my5G-core source code is organized and how to debug network functions using GoLand IDE.
    • 5G system procedures - shows step-by-step execution of initial registration procedure over untrusted non-3GPP access.
    • Non-3GPP IoT use-case (tutorial) - aims to demonstrate the untrusted non-3GPP access to the my5G-core using a Low Power Wide Area (LoRa/LoRaWAN) wireless network and docker containers.

How to cite

It is a pleasure to share our knowledge and you are free to use! Please, cite our work as we can continue contributing. Thank you!

      title = {Entendendo o núcleo 5G na prática, através de uma implementação de código aberto},
      booktitle = {SBRT 2020: Livro de Minicursos},
      author = {J. P. L. {Silva} and S. W. L. {Nery} and R.S. {Silva} and A. C. {Oliveira-Jr} and K. V. {Cardoso} and C. B. {Both}},
      chapter = {1},
      isbn = {978-65-87572-23-9},
      publisher = {Instituto Federal de Ensino, Ciência e Tecnologia da Paraíba – IFPB},
      address = "Florianópolis-SC",
      year = {2021}