find accomplices, the "trouble starter" should be the last of the list

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def find_accomplices(self, n_of_accomplices: int) -> List[Person]:
This method is used to find accomplices during commit_crimes procedure
:param n_of_accomplices: int, number of accomplices
:return: List[Person]
if n_of_accomplices == 0:
return [self]
d = 1 # start with a network distance of 1
accomplices = set()
facilitator_needed = n_of_accomplices >= self.model.threshold_use_facilitators and not self.facilitator
if facilitator_needed:
n_of_accomplices -= 1 # save a slot for the facilitator
while len(accomplices) < n_of_accomplices and d <= self.model.max_accomplice_radius:
# first create the group
candidates = sorted(self.agents_in_radius(d), key=lambda x: self.candidates_weight(x))
while len(accomplices) < n_of_accomplices and len(candidates) > 0:
candidate = candidates[0]
# todo: Should be if candidate.facilitator and facilitator_needed? tracked issue #234
if candidate.facilitator:
n_of_accomplices += 1
facilitator_needed = False
d += 1
if facilitator_needed:
# Search a facilitator into my networks
available_facilitators = [facilitator for facilitator in set(chain.from_iterable(
[agent.agents_in_radius(self.model.max_accomplice_radius) for agent in accomplices])) if
if available_facilitators:
if len(accomplices) < n_of_accomplices:
self.model.crime_size_fails += 1
if n_of_accomplices >= self.model.threshold_use_facilitators:
if [agent for agent in accomplices if agent.facilitator]:
self.model.facilitator_crimes += 1
self.model.facilitator_fails += 1
return list(accomplices)

find accomplices assumes that the caller is the last one on the list. This may not be the case since we treat the set of accomplices as a python set.

Line 449 should be:

accomplices = list(accomplices)

or something better...