SLAM project (management tool for network services like DHCP, DNS, ...)

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

SLAM: Super LAN Address Manager

SLAM (Super LAN Address Manager) is a tool to automatically manage network addresses allocations. It keeps track of address allocations and can automatically generate configuration for DNS and DHCP server software and various other computer and network management software and frameworks like Quattor.


Note: the following instructions assume that you install SLAM in /opt/slam. Update the path to match your site configuration.

  1. Clone the repository
    cd /opt
    git clone git@github.com:LAL/SLAM.git slam
    # The following command is required for SELinux to work and harmless if not used
    chcon -R -t httpd_sys_content_t /pdisk/slam/src/webinterface/static
  2. Install python-virtualenv and if it is not yet installed
    yum -y install python-virtualenv
  3. Install uWSGI
    yum install uwsgi-plugin-python
    # If using Apache
    yum -y install mod_proxy_uwsgi
  4. Create and activate a Python virtualenv
    virtualenv .venv
    . .venv/bin/activate
  5. Install Python dependencies from PIP (a few RPMs are required for the installation only and can be removed after it is complete).
    # Package openldap-devel must be installed before installing python-ldap
    pip install python-ldap
    pip install django_auth_ldap
    # Package mariadb-devel (or mysql-devel depending on what you use) must be installed before installing MySQL-python
    pip install MySQL-python
    # Django 1.11 or later required
    pip install Django
  6. Initialize the server and its database (first time only)
    python src/manage.py createsuperuser
    python src/manage.py runserver


Note: if you are using the recommended virtualenv-based configuration, you must activate the virtual environment before running slam-cli. This is typically done with:

. /opt/slam/.venv/bin/activate

SLAM CLI is src/slam_cli.py. Available options are:

[root@oneprivvm-254 slam]# src/slam_cli.py --help
usage: slam_cli.py [-h] -a
                   [-pn POOL_NAME] [-c CATEGORY] [-p POOL] [-A ADDRESS]
                   [-m MAC] [-H HOST] [-r] [-g GENERATOR] [-o OUTPUT]
                   [--default] [--header HEADER] [--footer FOOTER]
                   [--checkfile CHECKFILE] [--timeout TIMEOUT]
                   [--domain DOMAIN] [--alias ALIAS] [--inventory INVENTORY]
                   [--serial SERIAL] [--duration DURATION] [--lastuse LASTUSE]
                   [--comment COMMENT] [--nodns]
                   [ARG [ARG ...]]

SLAM command-line interface

positional arguments:
  ARG                   Extra arguments required by specific actions (ie:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a {list,create,get,delete,modify,setprop,rmprop,createconf,upconf,log,export}, --action {list,create,get,delete,modify,setprop,rmprop,createconf,upconf,log,export}
                        The action to perform: list | create | get | delete |
                        modify | setprop | rmprop | createconf | upconf |
  -pn POOL_NAME, --pool-name POOL_NAME
                        The name of an address pool.
  -c CATEGORY, --category CATEGORY
                        The category of an address pool.
  -p POOL, --pool POOL  Address definition of the pool to manage (ex:
              , fc00::/7, "addr1,addr2,addr3").
  -A ADDRESS, --address ADDRESS
                        An address to list, allocate or free.
  -m MAC, --mac MAC     A mac-address to bind to a host.
  -H HOST, --host HOST  The name of the host to manage.
  -r, --random          Hosts will get random addresses from the pool.
  -g GENERATOR, --generator GENERATOR
                        Name of the configuration generator.
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output file path for the configuration files to
                        generate, or - for stdout.
  --default             Set the generator as default or toogle its state.
  --header HEADER       Header file path for the configuration files to
  --footer FOOTER       Footer file path for the configuration files to
  --checkfile CHECKFILE
                        Files to scan for duplicates while generating
  --timeout TIMEOUT     Timeout for the generated configuration (ie: bind...).
  --domain DOMAIN       Domain for the hosts to generate.
  --alias ALIAS         An alias for a host name
  --inventory INVENTORY
                        Inventory number for a host
  --serial SERIAL       Serial number of a machine.
  --duration DURATION   Number of day for a temporary allocation.
  --lastuse LASTUSE     UNIX timestamp of the last use of the address.
  --comment COMMENT     Store a comment related to an address.
  --nodns               No DNS record will be generated for the addresses of
                        this host.


  • Create a new pool

    $ ./src/slam_cli.py
        --action create
        --pool-name localnet
        --category desktop
  • Create a two new hosts and assign them available addresses from the pool:

    $ ./src/slam_cli.py
        --action create
        --host pc42
        --host pc1337
        --pool-name localnet
        --mac 00:11:22:33:44:55
  • Generate the configuration for the Bind DNS server zone file:

    $ ./src/slam_cli.py
        --action createconf
        --output out.zonefile

Web interface Configuration

The SLAM web application is run with uWSGI. uWSGI can be used with Apache or Nginx, according to your preference.

Apache Configuration

You need to have mod_proxy_uwsgi package installed and configured to be one of the loaded module in the server. Apache virtual host configuration used for SLAM must typically contain the following lines (in addition to the usual ones):

Alias "/static" "/opt/slam/src/webinterface/static"

# First ProxyPass should not be needed but Alais is ignored if not specified (/static passed to uwsgi)
ProxyPass /static !
ProxyPass / uwsgi://

<Directory /opt/slam/src/webinterface/static>
    AllowOverride None
    Require all granted


To declare SLAM application to uWSGI, you need to create a file /etc/uwsgi.d/slam.ini owned by uwsgi:uwsgi with the following contents (adjust paths to your configuration and ensure that directory used for logs, pid and sock exist and are writable by uwsgi user):

plugin = python
single-interpreter = true


# chdir is required by Django to be the root of the project files
touch-reload = /opt/slam/src/webinterface/wsgi.py
wsgi-file = /opt/slam/src/webinterface/wsgi.py
virtualenv = /opt/slam/.venv

socket =
stats = /var/run/uwsgi/uwsgi-stats.sock
protocol = uwsgi

SLAM Configuration

SLAM configuration is defined in configure.py. This file must be placed either in a conf directory at the same level as src directory or in /etc/slam. A template exists in conf directory.

Configuring services like DNS and DHCP with information from SLAM DB requires a script typically placed in scripts directory (at the same level as src directory). The LAL script provided in the repository can be used as a template. The name of the script must be specified as the value of RELOAD_SCRIPT in configure.py.

Additionally, if you reuse the LAL deployment script, it requires a run directory at the same level as the scripts directory. This directory must be owned and writable by the uWSGI account used to run SLAM (typically uwsgi).


Connect with https to the machine hosting SLAM.


Apart from the Apache logs, the most useful log file is the uWSGI SLAM log file, slam.log under the directory specified by uWSGI configuration option daemonize. You should also check the status reported by the uWSGI service, in particular the existence of the slam.ini child, with:

systemctl status uwsgi

In case of an error in the code itself, it is sometimes easier to start a test web server, using the Django development server, on a given port run (8000 by default):

./src/manage.py runserver <port>

Full documentation

The full documentation is available in sphinx format in the doc/ directory. To generate it, type :

make help

Example: make html make latexpdf

Test suite

To run the test suite, you need the nose software (python-nose). Then you can run the suite with the following command:
