
This is the repository for the fehlzeiten project (absence-tracking). It is implemented as a backend-frontend application with GraphQL as the communication layer between both.



For development, you should first clone this Github repository. Node.js >14.0 and a package manager, eg. npm or yarn, is required. The Backend is located in the server/ folder and serves the API for the data layer. Initially you will need to install the required packages using your package manager. For that, navigate to the server/ folder and use your package manager to install all dependencies (npm install for npm).

For local development you should also create a .env file in the server/ folder and copy the contents of the server/.env.example into it.

Run it for development by opening two terminals and running

npm run watch

in the first and

npm run dev

in the second terminal.

This will ensure that your code is continually transpile from Typescript to Javascript as you change it and restarts the application if anything changes.


To develop on the frontend, navigate into the web/ folder. Install the packages here (npm install) and create a copy of the env.example.js as env.js. Then run

# backend server must be running while executing the following command
npm run codegen

for the initial setup and

npm run dev

to start the web application.

The frontend will now be running and will update whenever you change the code.

If you change anything related to the graphql files (web/src/graphql/), you will need to run graphql-codegen again (backend server must be running at this time). The command for this is npm run codegen.


To run the project in production, first start the backend server located in server/. To do so, create a copy of the server/.env.example as server/.env and adjust the values, then run

npm run build
npm run start

The API of the application will now be running on the port configured in the .env file (default: 4000).

Next, you should start the Next.js Server powering the web application. For this, go into the web/ folder. Here you need to configure the enviroment variables by creating a copy of the env.example.js file as env.js and changing the values as required. Then run

npm run codegen
npm run build
npm run start

The Application should now be fully functional and can be accessed on port 3000.


The following must happen in the docs folder.


  1. install Jekyll
  2. download the theme locally with
    gem install just-the-docs


jekyll serve --port 4001 --livereload