🚀Hello Devs

🍊 Ayoub 's Github Profile

I am Ayoub, I’m a Full Stack developer who’s building unique websites and always been motivated to constantly improve my skills and improve myself professionally. I learn fast and can adapt quickly to teamwork . I specialize in JavaScript and creating projects with php/oop/mvc .

You can check out some of my projects and if you got any questions you can reach out in the links below.

💫 What programming languages I like

As a fullstack developer i prioritize most of my time for Javascript and php .

⭐️Languages and Tools

Programming Languages

JavaScript HTML5 CSS3 PHP

Frameworks, Platforms and Libraries

React js Vue js SASS TailwindCSS Bootstrap Material Mysql UML MVC




Figma Adobe Photoshop

Version Control

Git GitHub


Udemy FreeCodeCamp


Stack Overflow CodePen




Netlify Heroku

🤙🏻 You can reach out

Feel free to contact me about any problems you are facing. I will try to help as much as I can 😉

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