Level Arranging Metroid (2) Program
LAMP is a feature-rich Metroid 2: Return of Samus editor. Made with .NET and Windows Forms.
You need to install .NET 6 (or higher) to run the program. If you don't have it installed it can be downloaded here:
LAMP is split into a 32bit/x86 and 64bit/x64 version.
This is due to the zooming feature having huge performance issues on higher zooming levels on the x86 version.
Stable releases take a longer time to release but add a lot of features, which are considered stable, and fix a lot of bugs.
If you want faster updates and quicker access to features, which might still be in development, download the latest development builds.
Even though LAMP is a fairly new program there are already some projects which are made with the help of LAMP.
A hack created by moehr. You have to explore a research satellite, which was attacked by the space pirates. Distress Call brings a lot of QOL improvements to the table like a built in map and beam switching.
A hack currently in development by LOO-E. Zebes is being carefully recreated in the engine of Metroid 2. There might even be some new content in the hack once it is finished.
These projects show that everyone can easily pick up LAMP and make a promising hack of Metroid 2 with it!
To build LAMP from source, open a CLI in your repository root and run:
For x64
dotnet publish -r win-x64 -c release
For x86
dotnet publish -r win-x86 -c release
- M2RoS Disassembly - A full, commented and buildable disassembly of Metroid 2
- ROSE - Another Metroid 2 Editor. Web based but also very WIP.
For assistance and help refer to the LAMP Wiki or join the Development Discord!
Want to share a Metroid 2 or other Metroid hack? Join the Metroid Construction Community or Metroid Construction Discord!