
interact with teapot server and records data

Primary LanguageHTML


interact with teapot server and,

  • records lux, dc, pixel values
  • derive psuedo lux from pixel values
  • decide the optimal lux values
  • control the dc values
  • calculate the optimal dc values

Getting started

  1. install docker and docker-compose
  2. clone this repository
  3. run the init.sh to create the docker_mount dir structure
  4. update the config.py files in each service as necessary
  5. update the patch_coordinates files(within ipcam and control) if nessecary
  6. run docker-compose up --build


  • ipcam - periodically calcualte psuedo lux values using the pixel values from ip camera feed (and store them in db)
  • record - periodically collect and stores(in db) dc values and real lux values from rpi devices (which runs teapot servers)
  • control - calculate the optimal lux -> optimal dc values and change the dc values as required
    1. infinite loop (handle_newly_occupied thread) this is stopped for now
      1. get the OCCUPANCY_VECTOR (Boolean) for all sections
      2. if occupancy made the transform false -> true: set that section’s corresponding light to COMFORT_VALUE (because we don’t want to keep people in dark while we incrementally increase the light)
      3. sleep for SLEEP_TIME(configurable constant)
    2. infinite loop (calculate_optimized_dc_thread)
      1. get the OCCUPANCY_VECTOR (Boolean) for all sections
      2. define the OPTIMUM_LUX vector based on occupancy [eg : occupancy vector = (True, False, False, True) -> OPTIMUM_LUX = (COMFORT_VALUE, MINIMUM_VALUE, MINIMUM_VALUE, COMFORT_VALUE)]
      3. get the ALREADY_ADDED_LUX vector (using current dc values)
    3. get the CURRENT_LUX vector (from the pixel values)
    4. calculate the CURRENT_NATURAL_LUX = CURRENT_LUX - ALREADY_ADDED_LUX 5. calculate the DEFICIT_LUX vector (DEFICIT_LUX = OPTIMUM_LUX - CURRENT_NATURAL_LUX) 6. calculate the optimum dc levels vector(TARGET_DC) for each section using the DEFICIT_LUX and WEIGHT_MATRIX 7. update the TARGET_DC 8. sleep for SLEEP_TIME(configurable constant)
    5. infinite loop (set_optimized_dc_in_device thread)
      1. read the TARGET_DC
      2. for each section 
        1. if abs(TARGET_DC - current dc) > THRESHOLD_DC: set the TARGET_DC
      3. sleep for SLEEP_TIME(configurable constant)

DB Schema

create table if not exists lux
	timestamp integer not null,
	label text not null,
	lux real not null,
	pin text not null

comment on table lux is 'real lux';

alter table lux owner to fullmoon;

create index if not exists lux_timestamp
	on lux (timestamp);

create table if not exists dc
	timestamp integer not null,
	label text not null,
	dc integer not null,
	pin integer not null

comment on table dc is 'dc values';

alter table dc owner to fullmoon;

create index if not exists dc_timestamp
	on dc (timestamp);

create table if not exists occupancy
	timestamp integer not null,
	occupancy boolean not null,
	cubical_label text not null,
	occupant_coordinates text,
	cam_label text

comment on table occupancy is 'occupancy';

alter table occupancy owner to fullmoon;

create table if not exists pixel_lux
	timestamp integer not null,
	cam_label text not null,
	patch_label text not null,
	lux_label text not null,
	lux real not null,
	gray_mean real not null,
	h_mean real not null

comment on table pixel_lux is 'psuedo lux';

alter table pixel_lux owner to fullmoon;

create index if not exists pixel_lux_timestamp
	on pixel_lux (timestamp);

create table if not exists fp
	cam_label text,
	patch_label text,
	lux_label text,
	tuple_len integer,
	pearson_corr numeric,
	x2 numeric,
	x1 numeric,
	x0 numeric,
	h_min numeric,
	h_max numeric

comment on table fp is 'finger print data';

alter table fp owner to fullmoon;

create table if not exists dc_cache
	timestamp integer not null,
	label text not null,
	dc integer not null,
	pin integer not null,
	constraint dc_cache_pk
		unique (label, pin)

comment on table dc_cache is 'cache table for latest dc values';

alter table dc_cache owner to fullmoon;

create table if not exists pixel_lux_cache
	timestamp integer not null,
	cam_label text not null,
	patch_label text not null,
	lux_label text not null,
	lux real not null,
	h_mean real not null,
	gray_mean real,
	constraint pixel_lux_cache_pk
		unique (cam_label, patch_label, lux_label)

comment on table pixel_lux_cache is 'cache table for latest psuedo lux values';

alter table pixel_lux_cache owner to fullmoon;

create table if not exists occupancy_cache
	timestamp integer not null,
	occupancy boolean not null,
	cubical_label text not null,
	occupant_coordinates text,
	cam_label text,
	constraint occupancy_cache_pk
		unique (cam_label, cubical_label)

comment on table occupancy_cache is 'cache table for latest occupancy values';

alter table occupancy_cache owner to fullmoon;


Backup your databases

docker exec -t your-db-container pg_dumpall -c -U postgres > dump_date +%d-%m-%Y"_"%H_%M_%S.sql

Restore your databases

cat your_dump.sql | docker exec -i your-db-container psql -U postgres
