Repository containing code for ATM-Q (referred to here as BAM-QMDP), and gathered data, as used in the paper:
Merlijn Krale, Thiago D. Simão, and Nils Jansen
Act-Then-Measure: Reinforcement Learning for Partially Observable Environments with Active Measuring
In ICAPS, 2023.
This repository contains the following files:
- : The BAM-QMDP (a.k.a. (Dyna-)ATMQ) agent as a python class.
- Plot_Data.ipynb : Code for plotting data.
- : Code for automatically running agents on environments & recording their data.
- : Bashfile for running all experiments at once.
- AM_Gyms : Contains Gym environments used for testing, and wrapper class to make generic OpenAI envs into ACNO-MDP envs.
- Data : Contains gahtered date for BNAIC and ICAPS-paper (including analysed data & standard plots).
- Final_Plots : Contains compiled plots.
- Baselines : Contains code for all baseline algorithms used in the paper or in the testing phase.
After cloning this repository:
- create a virtualenv and activate it
cd ATM/
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
- install the dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
All algorithms can be run using the file from command line. Running 'python -h' gives an overview of the functionaliality.
As an example, starting a run looks something like:
python -algo BAM_QMDP -env Lake -env_gen standard -env_size 8 -env_var semi-slippery -nmbr_eps 2500
This command runs the BAM-QMDP algorithm on the 8x8 semi-slippery lake environment for 2500 episodes (1 run), then it saves the results in the 'Data' folder. For convenience, all experiments used in the paper are combined in a bashfile, which can be called using './'.