
Following the chapters of the book should give you a full set of equipment, skills, and pantry to continue cooking for the rest of your life.


We've all had to start somewhere. Be it learning to play an instrument, ride a bike, or cook for yourself. Though there have been plenty of books written on all of these, there is often nothing better than jumping in and getting your hands dirty to really introduce you to a practice. It's in the spirit of Zed Shaw's excellent Learn Code the Hard Way series that this is written.

This book will be written with the presumption that you are at "starving student" levels of monetary, equipment, and time budgets. The goal is to present a shopping list at that start of every chapter that will be the prerequisites for the dishes that the chapter will contain. Each chapter will contain 5 - 7 dishes to be cooked at some point that week. As the book progresses, so will the difficulty of the dishes that you will be creating and the amount of equipment that you will acquire. By the end of the book you will have gained the skills necessary to create your own dishes, learned how to shop economically and nutritionally, and have a fully stocked set of kitchen equipment and pantry to provide the necessary foundation for your further experimentations.

A book this ambitious is a collaborative effort. Please feel free to Fork us on GitHub, submit your recipe to our Reddit community, or simply email us (recipes@omnomnomicon.org) with recipes, suggestions, or anything else!

Still have questions? Check out the FAQ, the Omnomnomicon Rules, and the official recipe template.

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