
PyTorch version for MPID

Primary LanguagePython

MPID(PyTorch): Multiple Particle Identification, PyTorch version

PyTorch version for MPID. Rewritten from the TensorFlow version for the purpose of production on Fermilab GRID Multiple Particle Identification CNN. MPID taks a 512x512 LArTPC images and returns probablities of having particles from proton, electron, muon, muon and charged pions.


LArCV, ROOT, PyTorch


  1. Setup LArCV using Wiki,
  2. git clone https://github.com/ruian1/MPID_pytorch.git
  3. source setup.sh


  1. Edit training configures in under ./uboone/run_train.sh
  2. source ./uboone/run_train.sh


  1. cd ./uboone
  2. python mpid_inference.py image2d.root (for image2d input).
  3. python inference_pid_torch.py pixel2d.root (for pixel2d input).