
A client-worker proxy using ZMQ to server SSNet predictions on the Tufts Cluster

Primary LanguagePython

SSNet Server

A client-worker proxy using ZMQ to server SSNet predictions on the Tufts Cluster

The code is a copy of the paranoid pirate proxy from the ZeroMQ Guide

There are two goals:

  • Create a production network where many clients read data event-by-event, send to a collection of workers, receive net output, and write to disk
  • Create a training network where single client app asks workers for batch data



These are base classes that are meant to handle the network portion of the code. They are to be inherited by child classes that handle either the reading/writing of data or the processing through a network.

Note that child client and workers are meant to be implemented together so that they understand their messages. We do not enforce a standard messaging protocol. This is meant to reflect the fact that different tasks usually differ in the details of the input/output data required. Though similar, I am not smart enough to define generic behavior.


This class is the proxy between clients and workers. It need not know anything about the data it is passing. It's only job is to balance the load and keep track of connected workers (through heartbeats).


This is a very basic client that reads larcv1 event images and sends it out to the SSNetBroker. It only handles Image2D objects for now. You can provide it a list of producer names via the product_dict argument of the constructor. It will prepare a numpy array for each image product given. The array shapes are

(batchsize, number of images in event container, height, width)

The message sent to the worker is:

[frame 0] "producer name" (string)
[frame 1] 'Plane 65535 (rows,cols) = (0,0) ... Left Top (0,0) ... Right Bottom (0,0)' (the output of ImageMeta::dump())
[frame 2] numpy array for batch
[frame 3] "producer name" (string)
[frame 4] 'Plane 65535 (rows,cols) = (0,0) ... Left Top (0,0) ... Right Bottom (0,0)' (the output of ImageMeta::dump())
[frame 5] numpy array for batch
(and so on...)

The received message is expected in the same format

[frame 0] "returned array name" (string)
[frame 1] 'Plane 65535 (rows,cols) = (0,0) ... Left Top (0,0) ... Right Bottom (0,0)' (the output of ImageMeta::dump())
[frame 2] numpy array    

The arrays in the received messages will be saved to an output larcv file.


Used for debugging. Expects message from SimpleLArCV1Client and dumps numpy array shapes to standard out. Returns:

[frame 0] "dummy"
[frame 1] 'Plane 65535 (rows,cols) = (0,0) ... Left Top (0,0) ... Right Bottom (0,0)' (the output of ImageMeta::dump())
[frame 2] numpy array, filled with zeros, whose size is from the first received image


Worker processes all three planes using Caffe1.

Uses the same message protocol as Simple/Dummy pair above.

Client sends the images for one plane for one event as one batch. To send all three planes, 3 sets of frames are shipped together.

The worker processes one frame at a time. It knows which plane's network to use from the meta. Because processing is frameset at a time, only one network is running, while the others are idle. This could be improved by modeling the broker as a majordomo server, which knows how to ship different flavor of requests to different flavor of workers.

Good enough for now, though.

On Meitner, 0.44 secs per event (read file+fill batch+roundtrip+write output)x3 planes. Several threads, but in total mem usage between 2.5 to 3 GB. (Will want to see mem usage in tests on separate nodes for worker and proxy.)