
MicroBooNE-specific job broker for processing of lartpc images by a remote worker

Primary LanguagePython


The main use case of this repository is to process images from LArTPC detectors through deep neural networks using remote GPU workers.

We build this using the MajorDomo project which is a "service-oriented broker" that allows workers providing different services. This is useful when we want to process several types of neural networks.

This solution uses, majortomo, a purely python implementation of the MajorDomo protocol.

Majortomo is (C) Copyright 2018 Shoppimon LTD and distributed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License (see LICENSE).

Applications to be supported

For MicroBooNE this code is to handle:

  • ubSSNet (in app/ubssnet): track/shower semantic segmentation trained using caffe+MCC8 particle gun data
  • larflow (to do)
  • infill (to do)
  • flash-level clustering (to do)
  • individual particle level clustering of neutrino candidate cluster (to do)


To do

To Do List

  • instructions
  • basic/generic torch-script worker and larcv client
  • better compression (mostly about how one does the image2d -> bson conversion)
  • submodules to network repos
  • container support and tufts cluster scripts

Misc notes:

goals for easy-to-use, generic application

for generic application, want user to be able to write a module that looks like the following:

from larcv import larcv
from ublarcvserver import ublarcvserver
from ublarcvserver import ublarcvserver.util as util
import torch

model = load_model(...)

def process_net( img_list_bson_str ):
  img_list_bson_str is a list of pybytes, with the contents being:
  global model

  img_v = util.stringlist2img2(img_list_bson_str)
  img_np = [ larcv.as_ndarray(img_v.at(iimg)) for iimg in xrange(img_v.size()) ]


  out = model.forward(batch)


  # convert tensor to image2d to bson list

  return imgout_list_bson_str

the goal is to reduce the amount of non-network code the user has to write.