Beginner user a bit lost...
acdrennan opened this issue · 3 comments
I am learning to use 2dx.
In SBGrid, I open 2dx_merge and select my folder (on the desktop) to tell the program where I want the files to go.
On the GUI, I filled in in some parameters for a typical negative stain project: RESMIN 200 A, RESMAX 16 A. Save.
File --> Import Images --> select TIFF image (on desktop (not in file defined above)). (I am just trying to load one file). Fill in the name, angle, number, and sub-image for this file, and the program automatically gives it a new name according to the naming conventions: First 4 letters: protein name; next 2 digits: tilt angle (here 00); next 6 digits: image number; next 2 digits: subframe. (see attached image "merge".)
Double-click on the lite entry of this image in the central top panel of 2dx_merge to open 2dx_image with this image. (see attached image "imageinit".) (Note that I changed the image number, name, and non-masked image name here.)
Then when I try to run programs, it says "image not found"; for example:
==== Verifying some parameters =======================================================================================
==== Creating MRC format file. =======================================================================================
==== Image Sp42.mrc does not exist. ==================================================================================
==== Neither image Sp42.tif nor Sp42.raw.mrc do exist. ===============================================================
==== Image Sp420000000101.tif found...converting (2). ================================================================
############################2dx_fftrans finished.#############################
dyld: Library not loaded: @executable_path/../lib/libfftw3f.3.dylib
Referenced from: /Volumes/SBGrid/i386-mac/2dx/3.4.2/2dx_image/bin//tif2mrc.exe
Reason: image not found
What am I missing here? Is there a better way to do this? I have used the book "Electron crystallography of soluble and membrane proteins" to get this far, but some of it is outdated; is there a better resource?
Thank you for your time.
Ok, thanks!
Please update to the newest version of FOCUS. This should be working now also on OSX.