Primary LanguagePython

Python TensorFlow


NN ODEsolver: Code that numerically solves ODEs using Neural Networks in an unsupervised manner
Authors: Liam L.H. Lau, Denis Werth
Version: 1.0
Homepage: https://github.com/deniswerth/NeuralNetwork_ODEsolver


Feedforward neural networks are able to approximate any continuous function at any level of accuracy. This is a loose statement of the Universal Approximation Theorem for neural networks. Although there is open source code for neural network solvers for ODEs and PDEs, the difference is that this network trains to fit the differential equation and boundary/ initial conditions at the same time. We also suggest that the loss is approximately the mean absolute error, without the need of having the true solution.

The paper can be found here: https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.14090

All examples from the paper can be reproduced with the code provided, a walk through is provided in the examples section below.


Main code in __Main__.py:

  • To replicate the plots in the paper and in Examples below, comment out all the if __name__ == "__main__": sections except the particular example you want to keep.

Neural Network Solver class in ODEsolver.py:

Imported in __Main__.py by:

from ODEsolver import ODEsolver

Initialization of the class is executed in __Main__.py like so:

ODEsolver(order, diffeq, x, initial_condition, epochs, architecture, initializer, activation, optimizer, prediction_save, weights_save)
Argument Description Example
Order: int Order of the differential equation 2
diffeq: string Differential equation name "schrodinger"
x: ndarray Sampled domain np.linspace(-5, 5, 100)
initial_condition: tuple Initial condition for the differential equation ((x0, y0), (dx0, dy0))
epochs: int The number of epochs the neural net is trained for 10000
architecture: list Architecture of the densely connected hidden layers [30, 30, 30]
initializer: string Initializer of the neural network parameters "GlorotNormal"
activation: string Activation function used for the hidden layers "sigmoid"
optimizer: string optimizer used for gradient descent "Adam"
prediction_save: bool Toggle for whether the prediction at each epoch is saved. Used for animation True/False
weights_save: bool Toggle for whether the weights and biases at each epoch are saved. Can be used for trajectory plots on the loss surface True/False

Dictionary class in Dictionary.py:

Imported in __Main__.py by:

from Dictionary import Dictionary
D = Dictionary()
Dict = D.Dict
  • Dictionary class that contains the initializers, activation functions and optimizers that

Differential equation class in DiffEq.py:

Imported in __Main__.py by:

from DiffEq import DiffEq
  • Differential equation class that contains definition of differential equation problem. Three examples are given: a first order ODE; nth stationary Schrodinger equation with a harmonic potential and a burst equation. A custom differential equation can be defined as the following in DiffEq.py:
if self.diffeq == "name":
    # x should be written as self.x; y should be written as self.y; dy/dx should be written as self.dydx and d2y/dx2 should be written as self.d2ydx2
    self.eq = self.d2ydx2 + self.dydx + self.y - tf.math.exp(-self.x) # Your custom differential equation
  • Currently, the code only supports up to second order. However higher order derivatives can be implemented by editing the y_gradients function for the Neural Network Solver class in ODEsolver.py. For example, third order can be accessed by using the following code snippet:
def y_gradients(self, x):
    Computes the gradient of y.
    with tf.GradientTape() as tape1:
        with tf.GradientTape() as tape2:
            with tf.GradientTape() as tape3:
                y = self.NN_output(x)
            dy_dx = tape3.gradient(y, x)
        d2y_dx2 = tape2.gradient(dy_dx,x)
    d3y_dx3 = tape1.gradient(d2y_dx2,x)
    return y, dy_dx, d2y_dx2, d3y_dx3

Make sure to edit the differential_cost function for the Neural Network Solver class in ODEsolver.py to include the extra derivatives:

y, dydx, d2ydx2, d3ydx3 = self.y_gradients(x)
de = DiffEq(self.diffeq, x, y, dydx, d2ydx2, d3ydx3)

Also make sure to also edit the custom_cost function in ODEsolver.py to include extra boundary terms, an example is given for a third order derivative:

if self.order == 3:
    x0 = np.float64(self.initial_condition[0][0])
    y0 = np.float64(self.initial_condition[0][1])
    dx0 = np.float64(self.initial_condition[1][0])
    dy0 = np.float64(self.initial_condition[1][1])
    d2x0 = np.float64(self.initial_condition[2][0])
    d2y0 = np.float64(self.initial_condition[2][1])
    def loss(y_true, y_pred):
        differential_cost_term = tf.math.reduce_sum(self.differential_cost(x))
        boundary_cost_term = tf.square(self.NN_output(np.asarray([[x0]]))[0][0] - y0)
        boundary_cost_term += tf.square(self.NN_output(np.asarray([[dx0]]))[0][0] - dy0)
        boundary_cost_term += tf.square(self.NN_output(np.asarray([[d2x0]]))[0][0] - d2y0)
        return differential_cost_term/self.n + boundary_cost_term
    return loss

The third order derivative will now be available in DiffEq.py using self.d3ydx3


First order ODE example:

  • Using the following differential equation and a boundary condition y = 0 at x = 0:

  • Neural Network Solver numerical solution is overlayed on the true solution. Note the solution is effectively continuous in the domain

Neural Network Solver solution to First Order ODE

  • A speed up animation of the training process:

Schrodinger equation example:

  • Using the following differential equation and Dirichlet boundary conditions:

  • Neural Network Solver numerical solution is overlayed on the true solution. Note the solution is effectively continuous in the domain

Neural Network Solver solution to Schrodinger equation with harmonic potential

  • A speed up animation of the training process:

Burst equation example:

  • Using the following differential equation and Dirichlet boundary conditions:

  • Neural Network Solver numerical solution is overlayed on the true solution. Note the solution is effectively continuous in the domain

Neural Network Solver solution to Burst equation with n = 10

  • A speed up animation of the training process: