PeSTo (Protein Structure Transformer) is a parameter-free geometric deep learning method to predict protein interaction interfaces from a protein structure. It is available for free without registration as an online tool (
Download the source code and examples by cloning the repository.
git clone
cd PeSTo
The primary requirements for PeSTo are GEMMI to parse PDB files and PyTorch for the deep learning framework. During training, h5py is used to store the processed data in an optimized format. The predicted interfaces can be visualized using PyMOL or ChimeraX.
All the specific dependencies are listed in pesto.yml. The specific dependencies can be easily installed using Anaconda. Create and activate the environement with:
conda env create -f pesto.yml
conda activate pesto
Or installing manually de dependencies
conda create -n pesto python=3.9
conda activate pesto
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.8 -c pytorch -c nvidia
conda install numpy scipy pandas matplotlib scikit-learn h5py tqdm
conda install gemmi tensorboard -c conda-forge
Alternatively, it is possible to create a local environment using virtualenv and install all the dependencies.
virtualenv pesto
source pesto/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
A set a Jupyter notebooks and python scripts are available to apply our trained model. Start a JupyterLab session with:
The PeSTo model can be applied to PDB files using the apply_model.ipynb notebook. Specify the path to the folder containing the PDB files using the data_path
variable. We recommand using the latest model (i_v4_1
) but other pre-trained variants are available. The predictions can be run on CPU or GPU.
The predictions for the interfaces are stored in the b-factor field of the PDB files using a value from 0 (no interface) to 1 (interface). The predicted interfaces can be visualized with a color gradient per residue. This can be done in PyMOL with,
spectrum b, blue_white_red, all, 0, 1
Or in ChimeraX with
color bfactor palette "#2B59C3:#D1D1D1:#D7263D" range 0,1
We provide all the Jupyter notebooks and scripts used to obtain and process the data, train and evaluate the model. The latest model (i_v4_1
) is used for the benchmarks and results shown in the paper.
All bioassemblies used are downloaded from RCSB PDB. The subunits are split into training, testing and validation dataset according to 30% sequence similarity clusters (processing/split_dataset.ipynb). Finaly, we preprocess the structure, detect the interfaces within complexes and store the features and labels into an optimized HDF5 format (processing/
The model
folder contains the scripts to train the model as well as the selected pre-trained models in model/save
. The benchmark and comparison can be reproduced with the interface_*.ipynb
Scripts and functions to perform predictions and analysis on MD are found in the md_analysis
folder. Molecular dynamics are loaded using MDTraj. An utility tool called data_manager
was developed to easily locate simulations within a defined tree-folder structure. We also developed analysis tools based on MDTraj (mdtraj_utils
The interfaceome
folder contains the Jupyter notebooks and python scripts used to download, process and analyse the data. All the AlphaFold-predicted structures used can be downloaded freely from the AlphaFold Protein Structure Database. Only the corresponding UniProt data is downloaded (interfaceome/ We also download the PAE from the AlphaFold Protein Structure Database (interfaceome/
We provide 4 variants of the trained PeSTo models:
is composed of 16 geometric transformers and uses both atom element and residue type informationi_v3_1
is composed of 16 geometric transformers and uses both atom element and residue type information but only predicts protein-protein interfacesi_v4_0
is composed of 16 geometric transformers and uses only atom elementi_v4_1
is composed of 32 geometric transformers and uses only atom element
It is possible to use PeSTo without requiring the user to install it using our web server freely available at PDB ID, UniProt ID or PDB files are accepted. The predictions are fast and can be visualized directely in the browser or downloaded as PDB files.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Krapp, L.F., Abriata, L.A., Cortés Rodriguez, F. et al. PeSTo: parameter-free geometric deep learning for accurate prediction of protein binding interfaces. Nat Commun 14, 2175 (2023).