
zkp-co-learning is a Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKP) collaborative study and creation project that has been running for three terms.

Project Description:

zkp-co-learning is a Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKP) collaborative study and creation project that has been running for three terms. Since February 2023, we have studied https://zkiap.com/, zk-learning.org, plonkathon codes and more with over 300 participants. We are currently preparing advanced content for zk-learning.org.(like Nova、STARK...)

zkp-co-learning offers bounties to incentivize learners for their technical sharing, actively becoming community maintainers (Maintainer), and for organizing knowledge in the ZKP field. Together, we aim to improve ZKP Public Goods.

Problem Statement:

Currently, there are challenges related to high barriers to entry, difficulty in learning in the ZKP field, lack of learning communities, and the overwhelming and opaque nature of information. We intend to address these issues specifically through zkp-co-learning.

Team Background:

Vision and Mission:

  1. Continue to recruit Maintainers to collaboratively manage the community and answer questions.
  2. Operate technical media and Twitter to expand influence.
  3. Utilize zk technology to support a broader range of web3 applications.


We plan to accomplish the following tasks within 6 months:

  1. Launch the zkp-co-learning.xyz website and aim for: 1.1 Comprehensive ZKP learning path sorting and a clear, seamless learning guide. 1.2. zk Hackthon information gathering, allowing everyone to showcase and discuss ideas, and team up for Hackthon. 1.3. Distribute bounties, allowing anyone interested to participate and contribute knowledge and content.
  2. Complete research on at least 5 open-source projects for EF PSE. (https://www.appliedzkp.org/projects)
  3. Host a Hackthon or Hackerhouse to put theory into project practice.
  4. Develop at least one zk application project with specific needs and use cases.
  5. Organize and open-source the vast amount of zk materials that have accumulated and scattered within the current co-learning GROUP.
  6. Attract at least 200 more people to participate in zkp technology learning and engage at least 20 developers in the development of zkp projects.

Project Description:

zkp-co-learning 是一个已经持续了 3 期的 ZKP 共学共创项目,从 2023 年 2 月至今,我们与 300+ 学员共同研究了 https://zkiap.com/ ,zk-learning.org ,plonkathon 代码等,目前正在筹备 zk-learning.org 的进阶内容

zkp-co-learning 针对学员的技术分享,积极成为社群维护者(Maintainer),ZKP 领域的知识整理,都会提供对应的 bounty 来激励他们,共同完善 ZKP Public Goods

Problem Statement

目前,针对 ZKP 领域学习门槛高、难度大,学习社群缺乏,信息庞杂不透明的情况,我们意图通过 zkp-co-learning 来针对性地解决这些问题

Team Background

as above.


  1. 继续招募 Maintainer 来共同维护社区,解答大家的问题
  2. 运营技术媒体与 Twitter,扩大影响力
  3. 利用 zkp 技术支持更广泛场景的 web3 应用


我们计划使用 5 个月的时间完成以下事务:

  1. 上线 zkp-co-learning.xyz 网站,完成:1. ZKP 完整学习路径梳理,清晰无痛的学习指南 2. zkp Hackthon 信息收集,让大家展示交流 ideas,组队 Hackthon 3. bounty 放送,让每个感兴趣的人都能参与其中,进行学识和内容的贡献
  2. 完成至少 5 个 EF PSE 的开源项目 Research
  3. 举办一次 Hackthon 或 Hackerhouse 来将理论付诸项目实践
  4. 完成至少 1 个具有需求和使用场景的 zkp 应用项目的研发
  5. 整理与开源目前共学 GROUP 里面沉淀散落的大量 zkp 资料
  6. 再吸引至少 200 人参与到 zkp 技术的学习中,让至少 20 名开发者参与到 zkp 项目的研发中

What are we doing now?


$\color{red}PS: 如果你不了解以下进阶概念,建议不要盲目进入,推荐先走主线剧情了解整个 zkp 全貌,后续再选择性参与$


如果二维码过期请找 @Demian 索要 ~


欢迎大家把自己在写的内容放在这里, zk-everything 我们会同时排版到Antalpha Labs的公众号下.(最好留下联系方式,方便后续跟进)


  • $\color{red}zkbridge$ : 可群内联系 Maintainer @Keep @啊咪咪小熊
  • $\color{red}halo2$ :可群内联系 Maintainer @cheerup (被动上岗,后续 Scroll 技术大佬会出手,放心)
  • Nova研究小组
  • baby plonk
  • $STARK \ \ \& \ \ STARK \ Aggregation$ :如上 ↑

Github Discussion 使用方法

Categories description
🍕Materials 学习材料分享: zk/数学/密码学 优质资料(文章/书籍/课程...)
🙏 Q&A 提问 / 答疑
🔧Tricks & Tools 你觉得值得分享的小技巧/小工具
比如字幕工具/学习英语的技巧/zk 相关很 fancy 的工具
👯Co-learn IRL! 线下共学自组织 ~ 目前已有大理 & 深圳在进行
有场不知道如何发起 —— 工具包可自取
💡I've got an idea! 课程结尾关于 Zkp 的一些 Amazing fancy ideas, 用来
1. 组队开发, 尝试参与下一期 zkp Hackhouse
2. 通过社区的力量来验证可行性/发掘项目潜力
3. ...

Themes !

  • 自由选题,完成学习并分享可得 Bounty ,推荐 PSE 开源项目 ~
  • 目前法国 🇫🇷 巴黎 ZKML Hackerhouse 火热进行中 🔥
  • 年底土耳其 ZKP HackerHouse 等你来 !!