
Chocolatey package for the distribution of released versions of neovim

Primary LanguagePowerShell


Chocolatey package for the distribution of released versions of neovim

Version upgrade checklist

  • nuspec: update version tag.
  • nuspec: update release notes tag.
  • chocolateyinstall.ps1: update $url and $url64
  • chocolateyinstall.ps1: update the checksum and checksum64
    • "c:\ProgramData\chocolatey\tools\checksum.exe" nvim-win32.zip -t=sha256
    • The checksum -t depends on what you have specified in your checksumType

Installation Instructions

  • Install chocolatey
  • From command line choco install neovim
  • Or choco install neovim --pre

Dev Instructions

  • Always pack after making any changes
  • choco pack

Testing beta version

  • choco install neovim --pre -s '%cd%' -fy
  • choco uninstall neovim --pre -s '%cd%' -fy

Testing regular version

  • choco install neovim -s '%cd%' -fy
  • choco uninstall neovim -s '%cd%' -fy

Pushing changes

  • choco apikey --key <key> --source https://push.chocolatey.org
  • choco push <package> --source https://push.chocolatey.org

From Linux

  • Substitute choco with:
    • sudo docker run --rm -v $PWD:$PWD -w $PWD linuturk/mono-choco
    • choco push <package> --api-key <key> --source https://push.chocolatey.org