
sloria's dotfiles as Ansible roles

Primary LanguageShell


sloria's dotfiles, rewritten as Ansible roles. Fully supports macOS. Red Hat and Debian support is good but not as complete.

a few neat features

  • zsh configured with prezto.
  • nice fonts for the terminal and coding.
  • iterm2 profile (w/ hotkey, themes, etc.)
  • python2, python3, pew (for managing virtualenvs), and pipenv
  • a tmux.conf that's pretty neat.
  • tmuxp for tmux session management
  • vim with vim-plug for plugin management. All configuration in a single file .vimrc.
  • pluggable. Everything is optional. Fork this. Remove what you don't use. Configure what you do use.
  • Mac packages installed with homebrew. Mac apps installed with homebrew-cask.
  • Useful git aliases
  • Optional git commit signing with GPG

prerequisites (install these first)

  • ansible >= 1.6
  • homebrew (If on macOS)
  • git (homebrew installable on macOS)
  • Latest version of Xcode (If on macOS)


  • Fork this repo.
  • Clone your fork.
# Replace git url with your fork
# NOTE: It is important that you clone to ~/dotfiles
$ git clone https://github.com/YOU/dotfiles.git ~/dotfiles
$ cd ~/dotfiles
  • Update the following variables in group_vars/local (at a minimum)
    • full_name: Your name, which will be attached to commit messages, e.g. "Steven Loria"
    • git_user: Your Github username.
    • git_email: Your git email address.
  • Optional, but recommended: Update group_vars/local with the programs you want installed by homebrew, homebrew-cask, and npm.
    • mac_homebrew_packages: Utilities that don't get installed by the roles.
    • mac_cask_packages: Mac Apps you want installed with homebrew-cask.
    • npm_global_packages: Node utilities.
  • Edit local_env.yml as you see fit. Remove any roles you don't use. Edit roles that you do use.
  • Run the installation script.
$ ./bin/dot-bootstrap

updating your local environment

Once you have the dotfiles installed you can run the following command to rerun the ansible playbook:

$ dot-update

updating your dotfiles repo

To keep your fork up to date with the sloria fork:

$ git remote add sloria https://github.com/sloria/dotfiles.git
$ git pull sloria master


There are three main commands in the bin directory for setting up and updating development environments:

  • dot-bootstrap: sets up local environment by executing all roles in local_env.yml.
  • dot-update: updates local environment by executing all roles in local_env.yml except for the ones tagged with "bootstrap".

special files

All configuration is done in ~/dotfiles. Each role may contain (in addition to the typical ansible directories and files) a number of special files

  • role/*.zsh: Any files ending in .zsh get loaded into your environment.
  • bin/: Anything in bin/ will get added to your $PATH and be made available everywhere.



To import the iterm2 profile, go to your iterm2 preferences, and enable "Load preferences from custom folder" and select the iterm2 folder in the misc/ directory.

iterm2 profile

macOS keyboard settings

There are a few keyboard customizations that must be done manually:

  • Turning repeat speed up to 11.

Keyboard settings

  • Mapping Caps Lock to Ctrl.

Modifier keys

what if I only want your vim?

First make sure you have a sane vim compiled. On macOS, the following will do:

brew install macvim --HEAD --with-override-system-vim

The following commands will install vim-plug and download my .vimrc.

After backing up your ~/.vim directory and ~/.vimrc:

mkdir -p ~/.vim/autoload
curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim https://raw.githubusercontent.com/junegunn/vim-plug/master/plug.vim
curl -fLo ~/.vimrc https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sloria/dotfiles/master/roles/vim/files/vimrc

You will now be able to open vim and run :PlugInstall to install all plugins.


If you get an error about Xcode command-line tools, you may need to run

sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer


  • Full Debian and Red Hat support
  • Add more options to dot script, e.g. for skipping tasks


MIT Licensed.