
for all ILIAD experimental stuff

Primary LanguagePython

Packages and description:

This is iliad-related experiments package. Things here are either still experimental or doubtfully useful ouside LCAS.

Note: Those packages are still in early development ("hic sunt dracones")

constraints maps

Provides a visualization of the mpc spatial constraints. Looks like oru nav is not using them...


Gazebo binary contact sensor, it was made redundant by contact_monitor (see correspoding repo at https://github.com/LCAS/gazebo-contactMonitor)


Depends on iliad_base_simulation and nav_simulation packages. It simulates human aware navigation.


Luigi Palmieri already did this. This is a proof of concept of a ROS-compatible global ILIAD planner. Here just for testing ...


Experiments for the human aware local navigation.

nav_simulation (previously in package named demo)

Shows simulated forklift using ROS navigation stacks. Currently testing TEB planner and ROS DWA.


Launchers to create simulation experiments with same conditions but different navigation stacks. To be used in TAROS'19 paper.

Other relevant packages: