
Bayes classifier for predicting latent hemispheric dominance from observed laterality.

Primary LanguageR


CRAN_Status_Badge R-CMD-check

BayesianLaterality contains a function for predicting latent hemispheric dominance based on observed laterality using a Bayes classifier developed by Sørensen and Westerhausen (2020). See also the accompanying Shiny app.


You can install BayesianLaterality from CRAN with:


Install the latest development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("remotes")

Application Example


The main (and only) function of the package is predict_dominance(). To see the arguments that can be set by the user and a more extended example, type ?predict_dominance in the R terminal. Here is a simple example. The dataset example_data1 contains three laterality measurements on three right-handed individuals.

#>   listening handedness
#> 1        20      right
#> 2        23      right
#> 3        14      right

We then obtain predicted hemispheric dominance as follows. The ID column reflects the row in the original dataset.

#> No ID column in data, assuming one subject per row.
#> # A tibble: 9 × 4
#>   ID    handedness dominance probability
#>   <chr> <chr>      <chr>           <dbl>
#> 1 1     right      left          0.994  
#> 2 1     right      right         0.00583
#> 3 1     right      none          0      
#> 4 2     right      left          0.996  
#> 5 2     right      right         0.00402
#> 6 2     right      none          0      
#> 7 3     right      left          0.988  
#> 8 3     right      right         0.0122 
#> 9 3     right      none          0