
Proposals with time critical time seem to set all SuperBlocks as rapid_response

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It seems that Proposals that have time_critical=True are setting the vast majority, if not all of the scheduled SuperBlocks as time critical also (with SuperBlock.rapid_response=True):

In [213]: for proposal in Proposal.objects.filter(code__contains='202'):
     ...:     sblocks = SuperBlock.objects.filter(proposal= proposal)
     ...:     print(proposal.code, proposal.time_critical, sblocks.filter(rapid_response=True).count(), sblocks.count(),  sblocks.filter(groupid__contains='ToO').count()
     ...: )LCO2022B-006 True 26 26 1
LCO2022B-106 False 0 0 0
LCO2022A-003 False 0 70 0
DDT2022A-001 True 11 11 11
LCO2022A-106 False 0 0 0
LCO2022A-102 False 0 0 0
LCO2021B-002 False 0 151 0
CLN2021B-007 False 0 0 0
LCO2021B-006 False 0 0 0
LCO2021B-103 False 0 0 0
LCO2021B-108 False 0 0 0
FTPEPO2021A-001 True 38 38 11
LCO2021A-003 False 0 167 0
LCO2021A-004 False 0 0 0
LCO2021A-103 False 0 1 0
LCO2021A-108 False 0 7 0
LCO2020B-006 True 238 240 0
KEY2020B-009 True 553 553 47
LCO2020B-003 True 14 90 13
LCO2020B-001 True 10 18 0
LCO2020B-108 False 0 4 0
LCO2020B-103 False 0 1 0
LCO2020A-001 True 1 9 1
LCO2020A-103 False 0 3 0
LCO2020A-011 True 292 298 5
TOM2020A-006 False 0 0 0
NOAO2020A-010 False 0 37 0
LCO2020A-108 False 0 17 0

Actual number of ToO observations (with groupid containing ToO (final column)) is correctly a small fraction of submitted requests. Possibly broken in fixing #298 ?