
[ACL 2023] Counterspeeches up my sleeve! Intent Distribution Learning and Persistent Fusion for Intent-Conditioned Counterspeech Generation

Primary LanguagePython

Counterspeeches up my sleeve! Intent Distribution Learning and Persistent Fusion for Intent-Conditioned Counterspeech Generation

The code and dataset for our ACL'23 paper: Counterspeeches up my sleeve! Intent Distribution Learning and Persistent Fusion for Intent-Conditioned Counterspeech Generation

The paper proposes the novel task of intent-specific counterspeech generation. We develop IntentCONAN, a diverse intent-specific counterspeech dataset by augmenting the existing CONAN dataset. We propose QUARC, a two-stage framework for generating intent-conditioned counterspeeches by fusing the learned vector-quantized representations of each intent category.

Repository Structure

The structure of this repository is as follows:


  • configs/: contains the YAML configuration files for the model parameters (for fast prototyping).
  • data/: Contains the training, validation and testing datasets.
  • modeling/: contains the model architectures and utilities.
  • models/: folder to store the trained models
  • utils/: contains various utilities used for training and testing


  • process_data_clime.py: contains data processing for clime
  • process_data_cogent.py: contains data processing for cogent
  • train_clime.py: script for training clime
  • train_cogent.py: script for training cogent
  • results.py: contains the evaluation script to obtain the results
  • requirements.txt: the required libraries with their versions

Running the code

  1. To run the code, first install the necessary requirements via the following command:

    pip install requirements.txt
  2. Then, set the hyperparamters by creating a configuration file in the config folder. A sample configuration file is provided, copy it and change the desired parameters.

  3. Run CLIME by executing the following command:

    python train_clime.py --config_path configs/<your_config>.yaml
  4. Run COGENT by executing the following command:

    python train_cogent.py --config_path configs/<your_config>.yaml


In case of any queries, please reach out to Rishabh Gupta.