
The magical mythical script that lets you choose your own adventure to explore OAuth2 / OAuth3 with LDS I/O.

Primary LanguageShell

Choose your own Adventure!

There are lots of frontends and lots of backends out there.

Mix and match to choose your own adventure to explore the LDS API!

Zero-Config Test Drive

curl -fsSL https://bit.ly/lds-api-adventure -o adventure.bash
bash ./adventure.bash nobackend angular


Get the script:

curl -fsSL https://bit.ly/lds-api-adventure -o adventure.bash

Combine ruby + sinatra + jquery:

bash ./adventure.bash ruby jquery

Combine node + express + angular:

bash ./adventure.bash node angular

Combine FirefoxOS + jquery:

bash ./adventure.bash fxos jquery

What are my Choices?

Available Frontends

TODO: lds.io-frontend ldsconnect.org-frontend facecards.org-frontend

Available Backends

Note: You don't actually need a backend to access the API. The Implicit Grant (Browser) Strategy of OAuth2 / OAuth3 allows for frontend-only tokens.

TODO: lds.io-backend