
An example passthru service

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


An example passthru service

Prerequisites (with ScreenCasts)


Setting up a Passthru Server

Install & Explanation

In practice this requires 3 computers, but for the sake of simplicity in the screencast only two are used (initializer and client will be on the same laptop).

The server must have a domain name. You can use DynDNS or whatever, it just has to have something real. If you want to test on localhost only you can use local.ldsconnect.org.

Also, you may be able to use the ip address returned by node ./ifcheck.js

First you're going to create a secret on the initializer.

# Initializer

git clone https://github.com/LDSorg/passthru-initializer-example.git passthru-initializer
pushd passthru-initializer/
npm install

node bin/gen-secret.js
> 35acc236-50ea-42c2-b47b-3682419b9b86

vim config.js # store the secret

node bin/gen-shadow.js 35acc236-50ea-42c2-b47b-3682419b9b86
> GnSh3sEolPnhh0qkLxFMyBaFY5M1fGyGgk5KDpVOsHESdHK5SOOd2G3xf9SymsAS

Now you're going to save the shadow on the server (never put the initializer's secret on the server!!!) and create a secret for the server (never put the server secret on the initializer!!!).

# Server
curl -fsSL bit.ly/easy-install-node | bash

git clone https://github.com/LDSorg/passthru-server-example.git passthru-server
pushd passthru-server/
npm install

node ./ifcheck.js

node bin/gen-salt.js
> eaf089fe-b875-4274-9e50-6adcf618b30a

# update the salt
vim config.js


'use strict';

module.exports = {
  // server-generated salt goes here
  "salt": "eaf089fe-b875-4274-9e50-6adcf618b30a"

  // initializer-generated shadow goes here
, "shadow": "GnSh3sEolPnhh0qkLxFMyBaFY5M1fGyGgk5KDpVOsHESdHK5SOOd2G3xf9SymsAS"

NOTE: You must use a real domain name or the ip address.

# Initializer

git submodule init
git submodule update
bash ssl-cert-gen/make-root-ca-and-certificates.sh local.ldsconnect.org

# put client keys on client
rsync -avhHPz ./certs/client/ client.example.com:~/passthru-client/certs/client/ 
rsync -avhHPz ./certs/ca/*.crt.pem client.example.com:~/passthru-client/certs/ca/ 

# put server keys on server
rsync -avhHPz ./certs/server/ local.ldsconnect.org:~/passthru-server/certs/server/ 
rsync -avhHPz ./certs/ca/*.crt.pem local.ldsconnect.org:~/passthru-server/certs/ca/
# Server

sudo ufw allow 8043/tcp

node bin/serve.js 8043

# rsync -a passthru.conf /etc/init
# sudo service passthru start
# Initializer

node init.js
> { success: true }

# test that this kills the server (and then manually restart it)
node tests/restart.js
> {"success":true}
# Client

# add username and password for lds.org
vim real-secret.js

curl https://local.ldsconnect.org:8043 --cert certs/client/my-app-client.p12:secret --cacert certs/client/my-root-ca.crt.pem
> Cannot GET /

node tests/fails-without-cert.js 2>/dev/null
> SUCCESS: Could not connect without valid certificate

node token-exchange.js
> {"individualId":1000000001,"newOption2Member":false}