
Path planning and tracking using ROS

Primary LanguageC++


  • Using opencv and costmap2d to make cleaning plan.
  • Using movebase to contral robot's movement.
  • Caution, I just cost one week to search this work, so it still need much more work if you want to make it runs better.
  • The env of this code is Ubuntu14.04, ros_indigo, opencv2. ubuntu16.04-ros-kinetic also test passed.



  1. Download 'build.sh' in this repo.
  2. export ROOT_WS='your absolute root work space path'
  3. sh build.sh

Run path planning node

cd $ROOT_WS source devel/setup.sh roslaunch cleaning_robot path_planning.launch

(click left menu of CoveragePath to select corresponding topic to show path in mainwindow.)


Run cleaning with movebase node

cd $ROOT_WS source devel/setup.sh roslaunch cleaning_robot cleaning_movebase.launch

(click left menu of CoverageMap to select corresponding topic to show covered grids in mainwindow.)

cleaning with movebase