
importing project into eclipse

clone the project

import as existing maven project

run maven clean and maven install

Running Program from command line:

Open the terminal in your project folder and run one of the following commands:

With default user:

mvn clean compile exec:java

With specific user:

mvn clean compile exec:java -Dexec.args="Keith"

Setup Steps

  • create a discord account
  • create a discord application and a discord bot on the discord developer site.
  • Clone this repository
  • import this project into eclipse as a maven project
  • edit the config.json to include your channel name and token.
  • run maven install on your project
  • run the bot (you should see a link output to the console.
  • send your link to your teacher. (your teacher will verify your bot)
  • rerun your program. Your bot should be connected!