
LEDplusplus project's µC part written for AVR (Arduino Nano)

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


LEDplusplus project's µC part written for AVR (Arduino Nano)

The LEDplusplus project has two main parts:

  • the server with a RESTful API and webinterface for controlling the LEDs and to send the commands via Bluetooth to the µC.
  • the µC to receive the commands and controll the LEDs.

We use a Arduino Nano as µC and HC-05 Bluetooth modules, to controll the ws2812(b) LED stripes.

Documentation of the commands the AVR accepts can be found here

How to build and program


cd build/
make all
make program


  • Go to build/ directory.
  • make all compiles all *.c files from the parent folder and generated the *.hex files used to progam the AVRs flash and eeprom memory.
  • make program uses avrdude the program the hex file containing the code into the Arduino microcontrollers flash.
  • make clean removes all build outputs.

If you use Eclipse or another IDE you might want to use the build/makefile instead of auto-generating one.