CI npm version License


A pulumi custom provider that allows you to create, update and delete destinations in Link Mobility's partner gate.


To use from JavaScript or TypeScript in Node.js, install using either npm:

npm install @lego/pulumi-link-mobility-provider

or yarn:

yarn add @lego/pulumi-link-mobility-provider


const provider = new LinkMobilityPartnerGateDestinationProvider({
  username: 'myGateUsername',
  password: 'myNotSoSecretPassword',
  url: '',
  partner: 'myPartner',
  platform: 'myPlatform',

new LinkMobilityPartnerGateDestination('link-mobility-foo-bar-destination', {
  provider: provider,
  partnerGateId: 'myPartnerGateId',
  destination: {
    url: '',
    contentType: 'application/json',
    // Username & password
    username: 'fooBarUsername',
    password: 'myEvenWorsePassword',
    // Custom auth with API Key header
    customParameters: {
      'http.header1': `x-my-secret-header:myApiKey`,


It is highly recommended you do NOT leave your passwords/API-keys in clear text, but instead store them as secrets in your Pulumi project. For the sake of showing an example they have been left in clear text here.


This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. Would you like to contribute to the project? Learn how to contribute here.


Modified Apache 2.0 (Section 6)

Open Source Attribution

Project Dependencies

Dev Dependencies