
Primary LanguageShell




  • reattach-to-user-namespace
    Install with brew brew install reattach-to-user-namespace and add the option --with-wrap-pbcopy-and-pbpaste on macOS Sierra, or macports port install tmux-pasteboard


  • TODO xclip or xsel

Manual installation

Clone and change directory

git clone https://github.com/LEI/dot-tmux.git ~/.dot/tmux && cd $_

Create the directory ~/.tmux

mkdir -p "$HOME/.tmux"

Link files to home directory

ln -isv ~/.dot/tmux/* "$HOME/.tmux"

Source ~/.tmux/tmux.conf from ~/.tmux.conf

echo 'source-file $HOME/.tmux/tmux.conf' >> "$HOME/.tmux.conf"



Tmux may be controlled from an attached client with a prefix key, C-b (Ctrl-b) by default.

The prefix key is replaced with C-a in this configuration when the client is not running SSH.

List all key bindings

prefix + ?

Enter the tmux command prompt

prefix + :

*Install plugins and refresh environment

prefix + I

*Update all plugins

prefix + U

*Save the current tmux environment

prefix + C-s

*Restore the saved environment

prefix + C-r


Create a new session that can be named or detached

tmux new [-s <session-name>] [-d]

prefix + :new

Attach to a running session

tmux attach -t <target-session>

tmux a

List sessions

tmux ls

prefix + s

Rename the current session

prefix + $

Switch to the next session

prefix + )

Switch to the previous session

prefix + (

Detach from the session

prefix + d

Choose a client to detach

prefix + D

Kill all sessions except one

tmux kill-session -a -t <target-session>


Create a new window

prefix + c

Rename the current window

prefix + ,

Select a window by its index

prefix + [0-9]

Change to the next window

prefix + n

Change to the previous window

prefix + p

Kill the current window

prefix + &


Split the current pane horizontally

prefix + "

Split the current pane vertically

prefix + %

Navigate panes

prefix + Up # Down, Left, Right

*Navigate pane with vi bindings

prefix + k # j, h, l

*Resize panes

prefix + K # J, H, L

Arrange the current window in the next preset layout

prefix + Space

Toggle pane zoom

prefix + z

Kill the active pane

prefix + x

Copy mode

Enter copy mode

prefix + [

Page the last copied buffer of text

prefix + ]

Enter copy mode and scroll one page up

prefix + PageUp

Search forward

prefix + /

Quit copy mode
