- 7
Not receiving UNIX_FD property
#54 opened by ukBaz - 0
Example accessing exported objects doesn't work
#99 opened by Paippi - 0
- 2
Hi,Is the pydbus component being maintained?
#93 opened by FWT-Henry - 1
GLib.Error: g-spawn-exit-error-quark
#76 opened by dnutiu - 3
- 2
- 0
- 0
0.6.0: test suite is failing
#91 opened by kloczek - 4
support for different event loops via asyncio
#57 opened by jas-per - 2
Support running tests via `python test`
#85 opened by maximbaz - 0
Pairing bt devices with BlueZ dbus interface
#90 opened by elsampsa - 2
Testing BlueZ applications created using pydbus
#53 opened by ukBaz - 3
- 2
- 1
Watching bus names
#31 opened - 0
- 0
Race condition in signal handlers
#87 opened by janakj - 10
- 5
Unix file descriptors not supported
#42 opened by jawsper - 3
Memory leak in server
#83 opened by sattlma - 0
Fail to connect to after reboot
#84 opened by ankitkgupta09 - 0
Support overloaded methods
#82 opened by acetylen - 0
- 18
Fix Variant unpacker
#27 opened by LEW21 - 1
OverflowError: range() result has too many items
#66 opened by lrusak - 2
- 0
- 0
- 0
Methods of exported interfaces are not visible
#77 opened by janbuchar - 1
I can't seem to retrieve any signals
#74 opened by Lokimor - 1
Methods returning non-trivial types fail
#69 opened by nburkitt - 0
Interactive with DBus service
#72 opened by commoner1945 - 1
Can't run inside a docker container.
#70 opened by psukys - 0
Handle method calls asynchronously
#68 opened by adombeck - 1
Refresh interfaces available on a DBus object
#56 opened by neeels - 5
Support async methods
#58 opened by pespin - 1
- 0
- 1
Error installing using pip3 on Raspberry Pi
#49 opened by martinohanlon - 2
- 1
Connecting to Screencast service
#45 opened by mhsabbagh - 8
cannot SessionBus().get(".Flatpak")
#25 opened by muelli - 3
New release tag
#32 opened by abrauchli - 2
How to run tests ?
#40 opened by M4rtinK - 0
LICENSE file missing from PyPI tarball.
#39 opened by M4rtinK - 4
Object Property settings does not work?
#28 opened by gguta - 1
- 2
Unpublish/Remove object from bus
#26 opened - 4
How to create Variant type?
#23 opened by rahvin74