Clean and simple implementation of a discriminated union in C++14.
class xx::variant<T...>;
A discriminated union is an object that contains exactly one object of one of specified classes (ie. a union) and knows its type.
using IntOrFloat = xx::variant<int, float>;
auto v = IntOrFloat{5};
if (...)
v = 0.5f;
if (<int>())
std::cout << v.get<int>() << std::endl;
std::cout << v.get<float>() << std::endl;
git submodule add
#include "variantxx/variant.hpp"
class Select; class Insert; class Delete;
using AnyQuery = xx::variant<Select, Insert, Delete>;
auto parse_query(std::string) -> AnyQuery;
auto q = parse_query("SELECT *;");
auto s = Select(q);
class Select; class Insert; class Delete;
using ROQuery = Select;
using RWQuery = xx::variant<Insert, Delete>;
using AnyQuery = xx::variant<Select, Insert, Delete>;
auto parse_query(std::string) -> AnyQuery;
void apply_ro_query(ROQuery);
void apply_rw_query(RWQuery);
auto q = parse_query("SELECT *;");
// apply_ro_query(q); // ERROR - Select(AnyQuery) is explicit
// apply_rw_query(q); // ERROR - RWQuery(AnyQuery) is explicit
if (<RWQuery>())
variant(const variant&);
Standard move/copy constructors. Safe.
variant(const X&);
Construct the variant with a move/copy of the given object. Safe.
Enabled iff X is included in T...
variant(in_place_t<X>, Arg&&... arg);
Construct the variant with a X object in place - forwarding arg... as parameters to X's constructor. Safe.
Enabled iff X is included in T...
variant(const variant<X...>&);
Cast a different, but compatible variant to this variant. Safe.
Enabled iff X... is a subset of T...
explicit variant(variant<X...>&&);
explicit variant(const variant<X...>&);
Cast a different, NOT compatible variant to this variant. Unsafe, you're expected to ensure that the other variant stores an object supported by this variant. In case it stores an object of a unsupported type - behavior is undefined.
Enabled iff X... is NOT a subset of T...
operator=(variant&&) -> variant&;
operator=(const variant&) -> variant&;
Standard move/copy assignment operators. They destroy the currently stored object and then copy/move-construct a new one. Safe.
operator=(variant<X...>&&) -> variant&;
operator=(const variant<X...>&) -> variant&;
Destroys the currently stored object, and move/copy-constructs a new one from a given compatible variant. Safe.
Enabled iff X is included in T...
is<X>() const -> bool;
Checks if the stored object is of the type X. Safe.
is<xx::variant<X...>>() const -> bool;
Checks if the stored object is of one of the X... types. Safe.
get<X>() -> X&;
get<X>() const -> const X&;
Returns the stored object. Unsafe, you're expected to ensure that X is the type of the stored object (for example by using is<X>() to check the type before calling get<X>()).
Note: get<variant<...>>() is unsupported (as it's impossible to return a reference to a result of casting). Use type casting to cast to different variant types.
Enabled iff X is included in T...
explicit operator X() const;
Returns the stored object. Unsafe (as in get()).
Enabled iff X is included in T...