
Single go binary that will manage Grimoire stack data gathering using configuration fixtures from dev-analytics-api

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

sync-data-sources (SDS)

Single go binary that will manage Grimoire stack data gathering using configuration fixtures from dev-analytics-api

Docker images

  • First you will need a base image containing grimoire stack tools needed, go to docker-images/base, follow instructions from README.md.
  • docker logout && docker login.
  • Use: DOCKER_USER=docker-user BRANCH=test [API_REPO_PATH="$HOME/dev/LF/dev-analytics-api"] [SKIP_BUILD=1] [SKIP_PUSH=1] [SKIP_PULL=1] [PRUNE=1] ./docker-images/build.sh to build docker image.
  • Use: DOCKER_USER=docker-user [SKIP_BUILD=1] [SKIP_PUSH=1] [PRUNE=1] ./docker-images/build-validate.sh to build docker image file (validation image),
  • Use: DOCKER_USER=docker-user BRANCH=test|prod [PRUNE=1] ./docker-images/remove.sh to remove docker image locally (remote version is not touched).
  • Use: DOCKER_USER=docker-user BRANCH=test|prod [REPO_ACCESS="`cat repo_access.secret`"] ./docker-images/test_image_docker.sh [command] to test docker image locally. Then inside the container run: ./run.sh.
  • Use: DOCKER_USER=docker-user BRANCH=commit_SHA [REPO_ACCESS="`cat repo_access.secret`"] ./docker-images/test_validate_image_docker.sh [command] to test docker image locally. Then inside the container run: ./run.sh.
  • You can use docker-images/sds-cron-task.sh as an example SDS cron task: crontab -e: see prod/test docker-images/sds-cron-tasks.prod.crontab and docker-images/sds-cron-tasks.test.crontab.

Manual docker run example

  • Get SortingHat DB endpoint: prodk.sh -n mariadb get svc mariadb-service-rw.
  • Get SortingHat DB credentials: for f in helm-charts/sds-helm/sds-helm/secrets/SH_*.prod.secret; do echo -n "$f: "; cat $f; echo ""; done.
  • Get other env variables: prodk.sh -n sds edit cj sds-0.
  • Finally just run [EXEC=1] ./docker-images/manual_docker.sh prod. If you specify EXEC=1 you will get bash instead of running SDS, so you can call ./run.sh manually.
  • Validation [EXEC=1] ./docker-images/manual_docker_validate.sh commit_sha. If you specify EXEC=1 you will get bash instead of running SDS, so you can call ./run.sh manually.
  • To see environment inside the container: clear; env | sort | grep 'SDS\|SH_'.
  • Send info signal kill -SIGUSR1 `ps -ax | grep syncdatasources | head -n 1 | awk '{print $1}'`.
  • To shell into the running SDS: ./docker-images/shell_running_sds.sh.
  • For example to bash into fully configured SDS image: SH=1 DBG=1 DRY=1 ./docker-images/run_sds.sh prod.


See example configurations files sources/example/project1.yaml and other YAMLs in sources/example.


  • Use: DOCKER_USER=docker-user BRANCH=test|prod ./kubernetes/test_image_kubernetes.sh [command] to test docker image on kubernetes (without Helm chart). Then inside the container run: ./run.sh.


  • Use: cd sources; make; ./dry_run.sh prod even if you don't have correct p2o.py stack installed.


Login to EC2 test or prod instance. SDS runs as a cron job there, use crontab -e to stop or change SDS running configuration. Examples on how to run SDS manually or in debug mode can be found in RUN_DEBUG_POD.md.


  • Go to helm-charts/sds-helm and follow instructions from README.md file in that derectory. Helm chart contains everything needed to run entire stack.
  • Note that zippass.secret and helm-charts/sds-helm/sds-helm/secrets/ZIPPASS.secret files should have the same contents.
  • See documentation here.

In short

  • Install: [NODES=n] [NS=sds] ./setup.sh test|prod.
  • Unnstall: [NS=sds] ./delete.sh test|prod.
  • Other example (with external ES): NODES=2 NS=sds-ext FLAGS="esURL=\"`cat sds-helm/secrets/ES_URL_external.secret`\",pvSize=30Gi" ./setup.sh test.


  • If not installed with the Helm chart (which is the default), for the test env do: cd helm-charts/sds-helm/, [NODES=n] [NS=sds] ./debug.sh test, pod_shell.sh test sds sds-debug-0 to get a shell inside sds deployment. Then ./run.sh.
  • When done exit, then copy CSV: testk.sh -n sds cp sds-debug-0:root/.perceval/tasks_0_1.csv tasks_test.csv, finally delete debug pod: [NS=sds] ./debug_delete.sh test.


Shared cluster infra consists of test/prod clusters, task execution role and policy, VPC, subnet, internet gateway and route tables, main and EFS security groups and their ingress config, EFS filesystem, mount targed, optionally access point (AP=1 mode), log group for CloudWatch.

Infra util scripts:

  • Create infra via: AWS_PROFILE=darst AWS_REGION=us-west-2 ./fargate/create_infra.sh.
  • List infra via: [AP=1] [LG=1] AWS_PROFILE=darst ./fargate/list_infra.sh.
  • Eventually delete infra via: [AP=1] [LG=1] AWS_PROFILE=darst ./fargate/delete_infra.sh.

Fargate details

  • Create cluster via: AWS_PROFILE=darst ./fargate/create_cluster.sh test sds-cluster.
  • List clusters via: AWS_PROFILE=darst ./fargate/list_clusters.sh.
  • Create role for awslogs driver via: AWS_PROFILE=darst ./fargate/create_role.sh.
  • List roles via: AWS_PROFILE=darst ./fargate/list_roles.sh. Note "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::XXXXXXXXXXX:role/ecsTaskExecutionRole". Put that value in helm-charts/sds-helm/sds-helm/secrets/SDS_ROLE_ARN.secret file.
  • Create VPC via: AWS_PROFILE=darst ./fargate/create_vpc.sh.
  • List VPCs via: AWS_PROFILE=darst ./fargate/list_vpcs.sh. Note VpcId for newly created VPC (it has "CidrBlock": ""). Put that value in helm-charts/sds-helm/sds-helm/secrets/SDS_VPC_ID.secret file.
  • Create internet gateway and rountes via: AWS_PROFILE=darst ./fargate/create_igw.sh.
  • List internet gateways and routes via: AWS_PROFILE=darst ./fargate/list_igws.sh.
  • Create subnet and associate public route via: AWS_PROFILE=darst ./fargate/create_subnet.sh.
  • List subnets via: AWS_PROFILE=darst ./fargate/list_subnets.sh. Note SubnetId for newly created subnet (it has "CidrBlock": ""). Put that value in helm-charts/sds-helm/sds-helm/secrets/SDS_SUBNET_ID.secret file.
  • Create VPC security group via: AWS_PROFILE=darst AWS_REGION=us-west-2 ./fargate/create_security_groups.sh.
  • List security groups via: AWS_PROFILE=darst ./fargate/list_security_groups.sh. Put GroupId values in helm-charts/sds-helm/sds-helm/secrets/SDS_SG_ID.secret and helm-charts/sds-helm/sds-helm/secrets/SDS_SGMT_ID.secret files.
  • Create EFS persistent volume via: [AP=1] AWS_PROFILE=darst AWS_REGION=us-west-2 ./fargate/create_efs.sh.
  • List EFS volumes via: [AP=1]AWS_PROFILE=darst ./fargate/list_efs.sh. Put FileSystemId value in helm-charts/sds-helm/sds-helm/secrets/SDS_FS_ID.secret and AccessPointId in helm-charts/sds-helm/sds-helm/secrets/SDS_FSAP_ID.secret file.
  • Create task via: [AP=1] [DRY=1] [DRYSDS=1] AWS_PROFILE=darst AWS_REGION=us-west-2 [SDS_ROLE_ARN='arn:aws:iam::XXXXXX:role/ecsTaskExecutionRole'] [SDS_FS_ID='fs-123456'] [SDS_FSAP_ID=fsap-0123456789] SDS_TASK_NAME=sds-projname ./fargate/create_task.sh test.
  • Example task for odpi/egeria fixture and git datasource: DRY='' DRYSDS='' AWS_PROFILE=darst AWS_REGION=us-west-2 SDS_TASK_NAME=sds-egeria-git SDS_FIXTURES_RE='^odpi/egeria$' SDS_DATASOURCES_RE='^git$' ./fargate/create_task.sh test.
  • List tasks via: AWS_PROFILE=darst ./fargate/list_tasks.sh.
  • Run single task via: AWS_PROFILE=darst ./fargate/run_task.sh test sds-cluster sds-egeria-git 1.
  • List current cluster tasks via: AWS_PROFILE=darst ./fargate/list_current_tasks.sh test sds-cluster.
  • Describe current cluster task: AWS_PROFILE=darst ./fargate/describe_current_task.sh test sds-cluster 'f4a08473-7702-44ba-8a41-cad8614b8c94'.
  • Describe task via: AWS_PROFILE=darst ./fargate/describe_task.sh test sds-egeria-git 1.
  • Create service via: [SDS_VPC_ID=...] AWS_PROFILE=darst ./fargate/create_service.sh test sds-cluster sds-projname sds-projname-service 1.
  • List services via: AWS_PROFILE=darst ./fargate/list_services.sh test sds-cluster.
  • Describe service via: AWS_PROFILE=darst ./fargate/describe_service.sh test sds-cluster sds-projname-service.
  • To create sds-logs log group: AWS_PROFILE=darst ./fargate/create_log_group.sh.
  • To see all log groups: AWS_PROFILE=darst ./fargate/list_log_groups.sh
  • To see given log group's all log streams: AWS_PROFILE=darst ./fargate/list_log_streams.sh sds-logs
  • To see given log stream contents: AWS_PROFILE=darst ./fargate/get_log_events.sh sds-logs stream-name
  • Eventually delete log group via: AWS_PROFILE=darst ./fargate/delete_log_group.sh.
  • Eventually delete EFS volume via: [AP=1] AWS_PROFILE=darst ./fargate/delete_efs.sh.
  • Eventually delete security group via: AWS_PROFILE=darst ./fargate/delete_security_group.sh.
  • Eventually delete internet gateway via: AWS_PROFILE=darst ./fargate/delete_igw.sh.
  • Eventually delete subnet via: AWS_PROFILE=darst ./fargate/delete_subnet.sh.
  • Eventually delete vpc via: AWS_PROFILE=darst ./fargate/delete_vpc.sh.
  • Eventually delete role via: AWS_PROFILE=darst ./fargate/delete_role.sh.
  • Eventually delete task via: AWS_PROFILE=darst fargate/delete_task.sh test sds-projname 1
  • Eventually delete service via: AWS_PROFILE=darst ./fargate/delete_service.sh test sds-cluster sds-projname-service.
  • Eventually delete cluster via: AWS_PROFILE=darst ./fargate/delete_cluster.sh test sds-cluster.

Generating RegExp for GitHub Archives processing

  • Run: SDS_GITHUB_OAUTH="cat /etc/github/oauths" ./gen-regexp ~/dev/LF-Engineering/dev-analytics-api/app/services/lf/bootstrap/fixtures.