
App to search for Wikipedia articles

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Wikipedia search app. Uses the Wikipedia API to search for articles, based on user's input (list of matching articles is displayed as user types).

User stories

A user can:

  1. enter a search term and see a result list of matching Wikipedia articles (if any), while typing.
  2. click on the title of each listed result and be taken to the corresponding Wikipedia article page.
  3. click a button and be taken to a random Wikipedia article page.
  4. see a suggested alternative search query, if one is returned from Wikipedia. -- click on the suggested alternative, and see the results of that search.
  5. click a button on any listed result to search for related articles, based on the result's title.
  6. click a button to completely clear the current list of results and conduct a new search.


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript (vanilla)


Louis Foged