
Solves the best subset selection problem

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L0BnB: Sparse Regression at Scale Build Status

Hussein Hazimeh, Rahul Mazumder, and Ali Saab

Massachusetts Institute of Technology


L0BnB is a scalable global optimization framework for solving linear regression problems penalized with a combination of the L0 and L2 norms. More concretely, given a data matrix X (with n samples and p features) and a response vector y, L0BnB solves the following problem to optimality:

where the L0 norm counts the number of nonzeros in the coefficients vector B. Here the L0 norm performs variable selection, while the L2 norm adds shrinkage which can be effective in low-signal settings. L0BnB implements a custom branch-and-bound (BnB) framework that leverages a highly specialized first-order method to solve the node subproblems. It achieves over 3600x speed-ups compared to the state-of-the-art mixed integer programming (MIP) solvers, and can scale to problems where the number of features p ~ 10^7. For more details, check out our paper Sparse Regression at Scale: Branch-and-Bound rooted in First Order Optimization (arXiv link).


The toolkit is implemented in Python 3. To install it, run the following command:

pip install l0bnb

A Quick Start in Python

import numpy as np
from l0bnb import fit_path
from l0bnb import gen_synthetic

For demonstration, we first generate a synthetic regression dataset (X,y)
as follows: y = X*b + epsilon, where the true vector of coefficients b
is sparse and has only 10 nonzero entries.
We set the number of samples n=1000 and number of features p=10,000.
X, y, b = gen_synthetic(n=1000, p=10000, supp_size=10)
print("Nonzero indices in b: ", np.nonzero(b)[0])

Run L0BnB to solve the problem for a sequence of lambda_0's.
By default, the sequence of lambda_0's is automatically chosen by the toolkit.
Use max_nonzeros=10 to stop the regularization path when it exceeds 10 nonzeros.
Here we fix lambda_2 = 0.01 (generally, this is data-dependent).
sols = fit_path(X, y, lambda_2 = 0.01, max_nonzeros = 10)

sols is a list of solutions, each corresponding to a different lambda_0.
Below we inspect the solution with index 4.
The estimated coefficients vector "b_estimated" and the intercept term can be accessed as follows:
b_estimated = sols[4]["B"] # a numpy array.
intercept = sols[4]["B0"]

# To check the nonzero indices in b_estimated:
print("Nonzero indices in b_estimated: ", np.nonzero(b_estimated)[0])
# The nonzero indices in b_estimated match that of b.

# Predictions on the training data can be made as follows:
y_estimated = np.dot(X, b_estimated) + intercept

# For more advanced usage, check the documentation of fit_path:


If you find L0BnB useful in your research, please consider citing the following paper:

  title={Sparse Regression at Scale: Branch-and-Bound rooted in First-Order Optimization},
  author={Hazimeh, Hussein and Mazumder, Rahul and Saab, Ali},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.06152},