
A tiling window manager for Windows 10 based on binary space partitioning

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


yatta is no longer being actively developed. If you liked yatta, please check out komorebi, a new tiling window manager for Windows 10 that I am working on, which has support for multiple monitors, virtual workspaces and window stacks!


BSP Tiling Window Manager for Windows 10


Getting Started

This project is still heavily under development and there are no prebuilt binaries available yet.

If you would like to use yatta, you will need a working Rust development environment on Windows 10. If you are using the x86_64-pc-windows-msvc toolchain, make sure you have also installed the Build Tools for Visual Studio 2019.

You can then clone this repo and compile the source code to install the binaries for yatta and yattac:

cargo install --path yatta
cargo install --path yattac

By running yattac start at a Powershell prompt, you should see the following output:

Start-Process yatta -WindowStyle hidden

This means that yatta is now running in the background, tiling all your windows, and listening for commands sent to it by yattac.

You can similarly stop the process by running yattac stop, and you should see the following output:

Stop-Process -Name yatta


This project does not handle anything related to keybindings and keyboard shortcuts. I am currently using AutoHotKey to manage my window management keyboard shortcuts. Here is a sample yatta.ahk AHK script that you can use as a starting point for your own:

; Start yatta, this command makes sure no duplicate processes will be created
Run, yattac.exe start, , Hide

; Send the configuration options for yatta here

; Always float IntelliJ popups, matching on class
Run, yattac.exe float-class SunAwtDialog, , Hide

; Always float Control Panel, matching on title
Run, yattac.exe float-title "Control Panel", , Hide

; Always float Task Manager, matching on class
Run, yattac.exe float-class TaskManagerWindow, , Hide

; Always float Wally, matching on executable name
Run, yattac.exe float-exe Wally.exe, , Hide

; Always float Calculator app, matching on window title
Run, yattac.exe float-title Calculator, , Hide
Run, yattac.exe float-exe 1Password.exe, , Hide

; Change the focused window, Alt + Vim direction keys
; This sends an Alt key which is a hack to steal focus when Windows doesn't feel like respecting SetForegroundWindow
; https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10740346/setforegroundwindow-only-working-while-visual-studio-is-open
Send !
Run, yattac.exe focus left, , Hide

Send !
Run, yattac.exe focus down, , Hide

Send !
Run, yattac.exe focus up, , Hide

Send !
Run, yattac.exe focus right, , Hide

; Move the focused window in a given direction, Alt + Shift + Vim direction keys
Run, yattac.exe move left, Hide

Run, yattac.exe move down, Hide

Run, yattac.exe move up, Hide

Run, yattac.exe move right, Hide

; Increase the size of a given edge in the BSPV and BSPH layouts, Alt + Arrow Key
Run, yattac.exe resize left increase, Hide

Run, yattac.exe resize right increase, Hide

Run, yattac.exe resize top increase, Hide

Run, yattac.exe resize bottom increase, Hide

; Decrease the size of a given edge in the BSPV and BSPH layouts, Alt + Shift + Arrow Key
Run, yattac.exe resize left decrease, Hide

Run, yattac.exe resize right decrease, Hide

Run, yattac.exe resize top decrease, Hide

Run, yattac.exe resize bottom decrease, Hide

; Move the focused window to the previous display, Alt + Shift + Left
Run, yattac.exe move-to-display previous, Hide

; Move the focused window to the next display, Alt + Shift + Right
Run, yattac.exe move-to-display next, Hide

; Promote the focused window to the top of the tree, Alt + Shift + Enter
Run, yattac.exe promote, Hide

; Switch to an equal-width, max-height column layout, Alt + Shift + C
Run, yattac.exe layout columns, Hide

; Switch to the default vertical bsp tiling layout, Alt + Shift + T
Run, yattac.exe layout bspv, Hide

; Toggle the Monocle layout, Alt + Shift + F
Run, yattac.exe toggle-monocle, Hide

; Force a retile if things get janky, Alt + Shift + R
Run, yattac.exe retile, Hide

; Float the focused window, Alt + T
Run, yattac.exe toggle-float, Hide

; Pause responding to any window events or yattac commands, Alt + P
Run, yattac.exe toggle-pause, Hide

As more commands are still being added and some commands and arguments may change before the CLI is stabilised, I recommend running yattac.exe help to see the full list of commands and operations available to be bound to keyboard shortcuts.