A minimal implementation of the MetaMapLite named entity recognizer in Python.
- Python 3.8
- NLTK or some other library that supplies a part of speech tagger and a tokenizer.
Building the wheel package from sources:
Installing prequisites using pip
python3 -m pip install nltk
See NLTK documentation at https://nltk.org for more information on NLTK.
Building the wheel package from sources:
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install wheel
python3 -m pip install --upgrade build
python3 -m build
In some environments, you might need to run build
with the --no-isolation
python3 -m build --no-isolation
Installing the wheel package into your virtual environment:
python3 -m pip install dist/pymetamaplite-{version}-py3-none-any.whl
This Python implementation of MetaMapLite uses inverted indexes previously intended for use by the Java implementation of MetaMapLite. The indexes are available at the MetaMapLite Web Page (https://metamap.nlm.nih.gov/MetaMapLite.html).
Below is an an example of using the MetaMapLite module on the string "inferior vena cava stent filter" using NLTK to provide part-of-speech tagging and tokenization:
import nltk
from collections import namedtuple
from metamaplite import MetaMapLite
ivfdir = '/path/to/public_mm_lite/data/ivf/2020AA/USAbase'
label = ''
case_sensitive = False
use_sources = []
use_semtypes = []
postags = set(["CD", "FW", "RB", "IN", "NN", "NNS",
"NNP", "NNPS", "JJ", "JJR", "JJS", "LS"])
stopwords = []
excludedterms = []
mminst = MetaMapLite(ivfdir, use_sources, use_semtypes, postags,
stopwords, excludedterms)
# Convert tokens and part of speech tags into named tuples with
# the following defintion:
Token = namedtuple('Token', ['text', 'tag_', 'idx', 'start'])
def add_spans(postokenlist):
"""Add spans to part-of-speech tokenlist of tuples of form:
(tokentext, part-of-speech-tag). """
tokenlist = []
start = 0
idx = 0
for token in postokenlist:
Token(text=token[0], tag_=token[1], idx=idx, start=start))
start = start + len(token[0]) + 1
idx += 1
return tokenlist
inputtext = 'inferior vena cava stent filter'
print('input text: "%s"' % inputtext)
texttokenlist = inputtext.split(' ')
postokenlist = nltk.pos_tag(texttokenlist)
tokenlist = add_spans(postokenlist)
# pass tokenlist to get_entities to find entities in the input
# text.
matches = mminst.get_entities(tokenlist, span_info=True)
for term in matches:
print(' start: {}'.format(term.start))
print(' end: {}'.format(term.end))
print(' postings:')
for post in term.postings:
print(' {}'.format(post))
length of list of tokensublists: 15
length of list of term_info_list: 7
inferior vena cava
start: 0
end: 18
C0042458|S0002351|4|Inferior vena cava|RCD|PT
C0042458|S0002351|5|Inferior vena cava|SNM|PT
C0042458|S0002351|6|Inferior vena cava|SNMI|PT
C0042458|S0002351|7|Inferior vena cava|UWDA|PT
C0042458|S0002351|8|Inferior vena cava|FMA|PT
C0042458|S0002351|9|Inferior vena cava|SNOMEDCT_US|SY
C0042458|S6146821|13|inferior vena cava|NCI_NCI-GLOSS|PT
C0042458|S0380063|24|Inferior Vena Cava|NCI_caDSR|SY
C0042458|S0380063|25|Inferior Vena Cava|NCI|PT
C0042458|S0380063|26|Inferior Vena Cava|MSH|ET
C1269024|S0002351|3|Inferior vena cava|SNOMEDCT_US|IS
Use the function result_utils.add_semantic_types to add semantic types and convert postings to records:
from metamaplite import result_utils
matches0 = mminst.get_entities(tokenlist, span_info=True)
matches = result_utils.add_semantic_types(mminst, matches0)
for term in matches:
print(' start: {}'.format(term.start))
print(' end: {}'.format(term.end))
print(' postings:')
for post in term.postings:
print(' {}'.format(post))
inferior vena cava
start: 0
end: 18
PostingSTS(cui='C0042458', sui='S0002351', idx='4',
str='Inferior vena cava', src='SNM', termtype='PT',
PostingSTS(cui='C0042458', sui='S0002351', idx='5',
str='Inferior vena cava', src='SNMI', termtype='PT',
PostingSTS(cui='C0042458', sui='S0002351', idx='6',
str='Inferior vena cava', src='UWDA', termtype='PT',
PostingSTS(cui='C0042458', sui='S0002351', idx='7',
str='Inferior vena cava', src='FMA', termtype='PT',
PostingSTS(cui='C0042458', sui='S0002351', idx='8',
str='Inferior vena cava', src='SNOMEDCT_US', termtype='SY',
PostingSTS(cui='C0042458', sui='S0906979', idx='9',
str='INFERIOR VENA CAVA', src='NCI_CDISC', termtype='PT',
PostingSTS(cui='C0042458', sui='S6146821', idx='11',
str='inferior vena cava', src='CHV', termtype='PT',
PostingSTS(cui='C0042458', sui='S6146821', idx='12',
str='inferior vena cava', src='NCI_NCI-GLOSS', termtype='PT',
PostingSTS(cui='C0042458', sui='S0380063', idx='23',
str='Inferior Vena Cava', src='NCI', termtype='SY',
PostingSTS(cui='C0042458', sui='S0380063', idx='24',
str='Inferior Vena Cava', src='NCI', termtype='PT',
PostingSTS(cui='C0042458', sui='S0380063', idx='25',
str='Inferior Vena Cava', src='MSH', termtype='ET',
PostingSTS(cui='C1269024', sui='S0002351', idx='3',
str='Inferior vena cava', src='SNOMEDCT_US', termtype='IS',
Format of excluded_terms list, each entry is the concept, and the term to be excluded for that concept separated by a colon (:).
excluded_terms = [
The excluded term list is provided as parameter during the instantiation of the MetaMapLite instance:
mminst = MetaMapLite(ivfdir, use_sources, use_semtypes, postags,
stopwords, excludedterms=excluded_terms)
The input tables are place in a directory (ivfdir) containing four files):
|-- tables
|-- ifconfig
|-- mrconso.eng
|-- mrsat.rrf
|-- mrsty.rrf
Each record in this file contains the preferred name and synonyms for each concept as well as other information including vocabulary source identifier and any vocabulary specific term identifiers.
C0000005|ENG|P|L0000005|PF|S0007492|Y|A26634265||M0019694|D012711|MSH|PEP|D012711|(131)I-Macroaggregated Albumin|0|N|256|
Semantic type identifiers assigned to each concept:
Not implemented in Python, See Java implementation in MetaMapLite.
This file contains the schemas for tables used in the later sections:
The program invocation:
python -m metamaplite.index.build_index ivfdir
|-- tables
|-- indices
Where the directory indices contains the inverted index files.
By using the optional parameter use_cache=True
when instantiating
the MetaMapLite instance lookups for strings, semantic types, and
preferred names will be cached after the initial lookup. Any
subsequent lookup will use the cache directly instead of accessing the
index on disk. This can result in a significant speed up when
processing large collections at the expense of using more memory:
mminst = MetaMapLite(ivfdir, use_sources, use_semtypes, postags,
stopwords, excludedterms, use_cache=True)
Both NLTK and pyMetaMapLite can be run in the Pyston implementation of Python. Pyston provides many of the speedups of Cython without requiring translation of the Python to the C language which can be problematic on some platforms.
- Pyston Gihub page: https://github.com/pyston/pyston
- Documentation on installing Pyston in an existing conda installation: https://github.com/pyston/pyston/wiki/Using-conda