
I developed a weather app as my first intern project, using Flutter, which provides real-time weather information to users. The app displays the current temperature, weather conditions, and forecast for the upcoming days.

Primary LanguageDart


I am a computer science sophomore with a passion for technology and programming. I have developed a solid foundation in various programming languages and problem-solving skills. I am constantly seeking opportunities to expand my knowledge and gain practical experience in the field of computer science and software engineering.

Through my self-learning and the help form my mentor, I developed a weather app as my first intern project, using Flutter, which provides real-time weather information to users. The app displays the current temperature, weather conditions, and forecast for the upcoming days.


  • Multiple theme changing, it's also easy to add more themes by adding json objects
  • 2 types of view: list and grid
  • Scroll down to refresh api data
  • Fetch api weather from a free service
  • Add, remove, manage your local weather
  • Speech recognition
  • Auto locate your curent destination
  • Slider
  • Eye catching images


  • I used free api provider, so it limited a figure for cities
  • I only built on my iOS device, i will try on Android platform if posible


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Many thanks! I'm willing to receive your feedback.