
The code for the prize winners in DrivenData competitions.

MIT LicenseMIT

What's in this Repository

This repository contains code volunteered from leading competitors in the competitions hosted on DrivenData.

Winning Submissions

America's Next Top (Statistical) Model
Box-Plots for Education
Countable Care: Modeling Women's Health Care Decisions
From Fog Nets to Neural Nets
Keeping it Fresh: Predict Restaurant Inspections
Naive Bees Classifier
Senior Data Science: Safe Aging with SPHERE

Note that when any repo containing submodules is cloned, each submodule needs to be initialized else they remain empty.

To avoid explicitly initializing each submodule, use the --recursive flag when cloning:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/drivendata/competition-winners.git

If submodule projects are updated, merge the most recent version into the main project using:

git submodule update --remote —-merge