
RFC conformant AgentX library implementing all PDU types

Primary LanguageRust


This library implements all PDU types and encodings according to RFC2741. It provides Rust idiomatic abstractions wherever possible and allows serialization and deserialization to/from wire compatible bytes.


The typical documentation including examples can be found on docs.rs/agentx. This library provides all the types and PDUs the standard defines, but does not provide any higher level abstractions that do connection handling or AgentX session handling. A full featured AgentX sub-agent implementation can be found as part of drbd-reactor here. This should provide enough hints to implement a sub-agent on your own. Because of the multi-threaded nature of drbd-reactor, the implementation might look a bit overwhelming, a simple single-threaded sub-agent should be doable ways easier. Good starting points are agentx_handler() for establishing a session and Metrics::get() and Metrics::get_next() for actual PDU handling.


Licensed under either of Apache License, Version 2.0 or MIT license at your option.