
Functions to compute national accounts coverage ratios with the LIS Data Center methodology

Primary LanguageRMIT LicenseMIT


Build & Testing Status



nationalaccountslis is an R package to compute national accounts coverage ratios with the LIS Data Center methodology.

It allows users to:

  • Reproduce the coverage ratios published in the LIS Compare.IT dashboard.
  • Download, clean and prepare national accounts data from the OECD.
  • Compute estimates from microdata.
  • Compute and plot coverage ratios.


You can install the package from this GitHub repo with:



This package is currently in Alpha version.



# download the national accounts using the OECD API
na_data <- download_na_oecd(start_year = 1985, countries = c("ITA", "USA"),
                 items = lis_dashboard_items)

# clean the downloaded national accounts data and create a wide table
na_table <- produce_oecd_na_table(na_data, nationalaccountslis::lis_dashboard_na_formulas)

# compute the estimates from microdata
microdata_estimates <- nationalaccountslis::compute_estimates_lis_microdata(datasets = c("it14i", "us16i"),
                                data_path = "data-raw/", # <- Replace with the path to local files.
                                weights= "hpopwgt",
                                formulas= nationalaccountslis::lis_dashboard_microdata_formulas)

# Compute the coverage ratios 
compute_coverage_ratios(microdata_estimates, na_table)

#  A tibble: 12 × 5
#    ccyyd variable            value_mi  value_na   ratio
#    <chr> <chr>                  <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl>
#  1 it14i D11R                  47860.   469553. 0.102
#  2 it14i B3GR+D41R+D42R+D45R   25369.   389314. 0.0652
#  3 it14i D62R                  30229.   354996. 0.0852
#  4 it14i D5P+D61P-D12R         27571.   271452. 0.102
#  5 it14i D61P-D12R                 0     72524  0
#  6 it14i B6GR-K1R              75886.  1011206. 0.0750
#  7 us16i D11R                 109355.  8091239. 0.0135
#  8 us16i B3GR+D41R+D42R+D45R   15290.  4482413. 0.00341
#  9 us16i D62R                  18847.  4011206. 0.00470
# 10 us16i D5P+D61P-D12R         34287.  2616116. 0.0131
# 11 us16i D61P-D12R              8485.   657891. 0.0129
# 12 us16i B6GR-K1R             109204. 13431200. 0.00813