OXFORD VGG Face dataset Please read "http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/data/face_dataset/licence.txt" carefully before proceeding. Each file in files folder provides images for that identity. Each line in the file provides an image url, a bounding box and some other attributes. Each line represents: id url left top right bottom pose detection_score curation id: Integer id for an image. url: The weblink for the image. [left top right bottom] the bounding box for an image. pose: frontal/profile (pose>2 signifies a frontal face while pose<=2 represents left and right profile detection). detection score: Score of a DPM detector. curation: Whether this image was a part of final curated dataset Please cite [1] below if you make use of the dataset. [1] O. M. Parkhi, A. Vedaldi, A. Zisserman Deep Face Recognition British Machine Vision Conference, 2015.