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DD-NM-ROM integrates nonlinear-manifold reduced order models (NM-ROMs) with domain decomposition (DD). NM-ROMs approximate the full order model (FOM) state in a nonlinear-manifold by training a shallow, sparse autoencoder using FOM snapshot data. These NM-ROMs can be advantageous over linear-subspace ROMs (LS-ROMs) for problems with slowly decaying Kolmogorov-width. However, the number of NM-ROM parameters that need to be trained scales with the size of the FOM. Moreover, for ``extreme-scale" problems, the storage of high-dimensional FOM snapshots alone can make ROM training expensive. To alleviate the training cost, DD-NM-ROM applies DD to the FOM, computes NM-ROMs on each subdomain, and couples them to obtain a global NM-ROM. This approach has several advantages: Subdomain NM-ROMs can be trained in parallel, involve fewer parameters to be trained than global NM-ROMs, require smaller subdomain FOM dimensional training data, and can be tailored to subdomain-specific features of the FOM. The shallow, sparse architecture of the autoencoder used in each subdomain NM-ROM allows application of hyper-reduction (HR), reducing the complexity caused by nonlinearity and yielding computational speedup of the NM-ROM. DD-NM-ROM provides the first application of NM-ROM (with HR) to a DD problem. In particular, DD-NM-ROM implements an algebraic DD reformulation of the FOM, training a NM-ROM with HR for each subdomain, and a sequential quadratic programming (SQP) solver to evaluate the coupled global NM-ROM. The DD-NM-ROM with HR approach is numerically compared to a DD-LS-ROM with HR on the 2D steady-state Burgers' equation, showing an order of magnitude improvement in accuracy of the proposed DD NM-ROM over the DD LS-ROM.


The code implementation was done using Python 3.9 and a CUDA-11.4 environment. Below are other required packages.

  • numpy (version 1.23.5)
  • scipy (version 1.8.1)
  • matplotlib (version 3.6.2)
  • PyTorch (version 1.12.1)
  • torch-sparse (version 0.6.10)
  • torch-scatter (version 2.0.8)
  • dill (version 0.3.6)
  • sparselinear (version 0.0.5)
  • jupyter (version 5.1.3)

Generating snapshot data for training

  • To generate the training data, ssh into lassen and run generate_training_data.sh. This runs the scipts generate_residual_data.py and generate_snapshot_data.py.
  • generate_residual_data.py and generate_snapshot_data.py take the following optional arguments
    • --nx: number of FD grid points in x-direction
    • --ny: number of FD grid points in y-direction
    • --na: number of grid points in a-direction on parameter grid
    • --nlam: number of grid points in lambda-direction on parameter grid
    • --viscosity: viscosity parameter for 2D Burgers equation (fixed)
    • --maxit: maximum number of iterations for Newton solver
    • --tol: absolute tolerance for Newton solver

Training a DD-LS-ROM (do this first)

  • Run the notebook driver_DD_LSROM.ipynb in the CPU environment first on all configurations of interest.
  • For example, run with different subdomain configurations, different number of training snapshots, etc.
  • Running on CPUs first lets you compute and store SVD data of snapshots, which then won't have to be recomputed in GPU environment.

Training a DD-NM-ROM

  • Make sure the driver_DD_LSROM.ipynb notebook (see previous section) is run on the desired configuration using a CPU to store POD basis data.
  • Run train_rom.sh. This runs the python script driver_train_rom.py, which takes the following optional arguments
    • --nx: number of grid points in x-direction
    • --ny: number of grid points in y-direction
    • --n_sub_x: number of subdomains in x-direction
    • --n_sub_y: number of subdomains in y-direction
    • --intr_ld: ROM dimension for interior states
    • --intf_ld: ROM dimension for interface states
    • --intr_row_nnz: Number of nonzeros per row (col) in interior decoder (encoder) mask
    • --intf_row_nnz: Row (col) shift in interface decoder (encoder) mask
    • --intr_row_shift: Row (col) shift in interior decoder (encoder) mask
    • --intf_row_shift: Number of nonzeros per row (col) in interface decoder (encoder) mask
    • --nsnaps: Number of snapshots used for training
    • --batch: batch size for training
    • --intr_only: Only train autoencoders for interior states
    • --intf_only: Only train autoencoders for interface states
    • --act_type: Activation type. Only Sigmoid and Swish are implemented
  • After train_rom.sh finishes, run the jupyter notebook driver_DD_NMROM.ipynb.
  • To train NM-ROMs using the strong ROM-port constraint formulation, run train_port_decoders.sh to train autoencoders for each port. This runs the script driver_train_port_autoencoder.py, which takes the same optional arguments as driver_train_rom.py.

Generating Pareto fronts

  • First run jobs nmrom_nsnaps.sh, nmrom_sizes.sh to train NM-ROMs using different numbers of snapshots and different ROM sizes, respectively.
  • Run the notebooks driver_pareto_hr.ipynb, driver_pareto_nsnaps.ipynb, driver_pareto_romsize.ipynb.


Diaz, Alejandro N., Youngsoo Choi, and Matthias Heinkenschloss. "A fast and accurate domain decomposition nonlinear manifold reduced order model." Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 425 (2024): 116943.


  • Alejandro Diaz (Sandia National Laboratories)
  • Youngsoo Choi (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
  • Matthias Heinkenschloss (Rice University)


A. Diaz was supported for this work by a Defense Science and Technology Internship (DSTI) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and a 2021 National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship, United States. Y. Choi was supported for this work by the US Department of Energy under the Mathematical Multifaceted Integrated Capability Centers -- DoE Grant DE -- SC0023164; The Center for Hierarchical and Robust Modeling of Non-Equilibrium Transport (CHaRMNET).


DD-NM-ROM is distributed under the terms of the MIT license. All new contributions must be made under the MIT. See LICENSE-MIT

LLNL Release Nubmer: LLNL-CODE-864366