Possible typo in grid interpolation

bendudson opened this issue · 1 comments

There is a suspicious line in this polintp poloidal interpolation function:

        do 30 ixo = ixos, ixof
            if(xo(ixo,iy).gt.xn(ix,iy) .or. ixo.eq.ixof) goto 25
            ixl = ixo
  20    continue
  25    continue

The 30 label is shared with an outer loop, and the 20 label is not used in this function.

The corresponding lines in the radintp radial interpolation function

            do 20 iyo = iyos, iyof
               if(yo(ix,iyo).gt.yn(ix,iy) .or. iyo.eq.iyof) goto 25
               iyl = iyo
  20        continue
  25        continue

I suspect that the radintp version is correct, and the polintp do loop should use 20 rather than 30 or be rewritten as

do ixo = ixos, ixof
   if(xo(ixo,iy).gt.xn(ix,iy) .or. ixo.eq.ixof) exit
   ixl = ixo
end do

Note: I think this bug, if it is a bug, causes extra work to be done but doesn't affect the result: The interpolation is performed for every value of ixo (rather than just one), but the last result computed has the correct value of ixl.