
Query, ask and chat with a document-index via transformer models!

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Query, ask and chat with a document-index via a friendly web ui!


Simply run it via Docker-Compose. An example configuration can be found in the docker-compose.yml file. The UI is then available via http://localhost:8501 and the API-Swagger-Documentation via http://localhost:8001/docs

If you want build it from source just download the repo and use the docker-compose-src-*.yml files. an example .env config can be found in .env.example.

All modules are available as prebuild containers via the Github container registry.


The demo has three main components:

  • Streamlit web ui
  • FastAPI endpoint, which hosts the models and QA pipelines
  • Importers, which import textfiles into the system

Chat Module

The chat module allows the user to either use a LLM to query and summarize retrieved documents from the document index or just chat with the model normaly. It supports multiple chat adapter which are exposed via a streaming api. The following libraries are supported:

  • OpenAI: Uses the default ChatGPT API.To use this adapter a OpenAI API-Token has to be supplied.
  • Huggingface: Supports nearly all LLMs on the Huggingfacehub. Also supports PEFT finetuned models. To run this a GPU needs to be passed to the Container running the API.
  • llama-rs: Can run GGML converted models like Alpaca on a CPU with relatively low resource usage. Use this adapter if you dont have a GPU.

Semantic Search & Extractive QA Module

The semantic search and extractive qa modules use Haystack to query the ElasticSearch database. Nearly all embedding and QA models on the Huggingfacehub are supported. By default they will be executed on the CPU as a GPU is commonly allocated to the chat model.


The importers collect text documents and covert them to Haystack-Documents which are then commited to the database.


Uses a Wikipedia minidump to populate the database with about 500.000 Wikipedia Articles.


Can be used to import technical documentation which was created via the Schema ST4 software.

Settings and Environment

To be able to run this repo on different hardware configurations many settings are configurable via environment variables


Environment Variable Default Description
HUGGINGFACE_TOKEN Huggingface token
ELASTICSEARCH_HOST localhost Elasticsearch host address
ELASTICSEARCH_PORT 9200 Elasticsearch port number
ELASTICSEARCH_USER Elasticsearch user
ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD Elasticsearch password
EMBEDDING_DIM 384 Embedding dimension
SIMILARITY cosine Similarity measure
EMBEDDING_MODEL LLukas22/all-MiniLM-L12-v2-embedding-all Embedding model
EXTRACTIVE_QA_MODEL LLukas22/all-MiniLM-L12-v2-qa-en Extractive QA model
USE_GPU False Use GPU for QA and embedding
USE_8BIT False Use bits-and-bytes
CONCURENCY_LIMIT 5 Concurrency limit of api
DEBUG True Debug mode
CHAT_MAX_INPUT_LENGTH 2000 Chat max input length
OPENAI_TOKEN None OpenAI token
BASE_CHAT_MODEL decapoda-research/llama-7b-hf Base chat model
ADAPTER_CHAT_MODEL tloen/alpaca-lora-7b Adapter chat model
ADAPTER_APPLY_OPTIMIZATIONS True Apply Torch optimizations
CPU_MODEL_REPO Sosaka/Alpaca-native-4bit-ggml CPU model repository
CPU_MODEL_FILENAME ggml-alpaca-7b-q4.bi CPU model filename
CPU_MODEL_THREADS 8 CPU model threads
CPU_MODEL_KV_16 True CPU model use f16 for KV-Store


Environment Variable Default
SYSTEM_PROMPT The following is a friendly conversation between a human and an AI. The AI is talkative and provides lots of specific details from its context. If the AI does not know the answer to a question, it truthfully says it does not know. \n\n Current Conversation:
CHAT_WELCOME_MESSAGE Hello, I will try to answer any questions you have for me! Untick the checkbox to disable the document search and chat with me normally.
WELCOME_MESSAGE This demo was initialized with about 500,000 English Wikipedia articles from April 1st, 2023. Feel free to ask the system about any topic you like. \n\n ⚠️CAUTION: If offline models are used, no safety layers are in place. If you ask the system about an offensive topic, it will answer you, even if the answer is immoral!⚠️
API_HOST localhost


Environment Variable Default Description
ELASTIC_HOST localhost Elasticsearch host address
ELASTIC_PORT 9200 Elasticsearch port number
ELASTIC_EMBEDDING_DIM 384 Embedding dimension
CACHE_DIR ./importer_cache Cache directory path
WIKI_URL https://dumps.wikimedia.org/simplewiki/20230401/simplewiki-20230401-pages-articles-multistream.xml.bz2 URL of the Wiki-dump to download


Environment Variable Default Description
ELASTIC_HOST localhost Elasticsearch host address
ELASTIC_PORT 9200 Elasticsearch port number
ELASTIC_EMBEDDING_DIM 384 Embedding dimension
ST4_FOLDER ./.st4_files ST4 files folder path