Supersonic TuRbulEnt Accelerated navier stokes Solver

Primary LanguageFortranGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

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! Supersonic TuRbulEnt Accelerated navier stokes Solver
! input file description

STREAmS performs Direct Numerical Simulations of compressible turbulent flows in Cartesian geometry solving the fully compressible Navier-Stokes equations. Currently, three canonical wall-bounded flows can be simulated:

  • compressible turbulent channel flow
  • compressible zero-pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layer
  • supersonic oblique shock wave/turbulent boundary-layer interaction STREAmS can be used in local environments but its main expected usage is with HPC architectures.


STREAmS requires (1) a Fortran compiler and (2) an MPI library. For the GPU CUDA version, the PGI compiler is required (tested using PGI 19.4 or more recent compilers). To perform the compilation a Makefile with some predefined settings is available. It is expected that the user only modifies the first three assignments to select the compilation type. For example:

COMPILE = "gnu"
MODE    = "opt"
PREC    = "double"

COMPILE currently supports these choices:

  • pgi-cuda: PGI compiler Cuda Fortran asyncrhonous version with MPI library (tested with OpenMPI provided by PGI)
  • pgi-cuda-sync: PGI compiler Cuda Fortran synchornous version with MPI library (tested with OpenMPI provided by PGI)
  • pgi: PGI compiler CPU version with OpenMPI library (tested with OpenMPI provided by PGI)
  • intel: Intel compiler with MPI library (tested with IntelMPI library)
  • gnu: gnu compiler with MPI library (tested with OpenMPI)
  • ibmxl: XL IBM compiler with MPI library (tested with IBM MPI library)
  • cray-cuda: PGI compiler with Cray mpich library without support of CUDA-Aware MPI (currently oriented to Pitz-Daint cluster)

MODE can be one of:

  • opt: optimized compilation, for standard production runs
  • debug: debugging compilation, with run-time checks enabled and backtracing when available

PREC defines the precision of the float numbers:

  • double: double precision floating point numbers
  • single: single precision floating point numbers

Additional Makefile customizations can be made manually modifying the Makefile.


Once compiled, STREAmS can be usually executed using a standard MPI launcher, e.g. mpirun. In order to execute, in addition to the executable, in the running folder you need:

  • input.dat: file defining the physical and numerical setup of the simulation, to be customized according to the desired needs. For an explaination of the input.dat parameters, read below. Some examples of input.dat files are available in the examples folder.
  • database_bl.dat: only required for the boundary layer and shock-boundary layer interaction flows (this file does not have to be modified by the user). The file is available in the examples folder.

To run a simulation, type, e.g.:

mpirun -np 8 ./streams

or (for SLURM jobs)

srun ./streams

For CUDA versions in cluster environments, you must distribute MPI processes according to the number of GPUs available for each node. For CINECA Marconi-100 cluster -- 4 GPUS per node -- a possible submission script using 8 GPUs is:

#SBATCH --tasks-per-node 4
#SBATCH --mem=64G 
#SBATCH --partition=debug 
#SBATCH --time=00:30:00 
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:4
#SBATCH --partition=debug 
module load profile/global pgi
srun ./streams

For CSCS Pitz-Daint cluster -- 1 GPU per node -- a possible submission script using 8 GPUs is:

#SBATCH --tasks-per-node 1 
#SBATCH --mem=15G 
#SBATCH --partition=debug 
#SBATCH --time=00:30:00 
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1
#SBATCH --constraint=gpu 
module swap PrgEnv-cray PrgEnv-pgi
srun ./streams

Preparing input.dat file

iflow defines the type of flow. 0 = channel, 1 = boundary layer, 2 = shock/boundary-layer interaction

rlx rly rlz real numbers defining the size of the Cartesian domain along the three directions (x=streamwise, y=wall-normal, z=spanwise)

nxmax nymax nzmax integer numbers defining the number of grid nodes along each direction

nymaxwr rlywr dyp_target specify the wall-normal mesh features. dyp_target is the desired spacing at the wall in inner units. nymaxwr denotes the number of grid points in the wall-resolved region, ranging from y=0 (wall) up to y=rlywr, where a sinh mapping is applied. Both nymaxwr and rlywr can be specified when iflow = 1 (turbulent boundary layer), then a geometric progession is applied from y=rlywr up to y = rly. When iflow = 2 (shock/boundary-layer interaction), nymaxwr must be specified but rlywr is automatically computed. In this case a constant spacing in the wall-normal direction is applied from y=rlywr up to y=rly.

nblocks(1) nblocks(3) define the MPI decomposition along x (streamwise) and z (spanwise). These numbers must be consistent to nxmax, nymax, and nzmax. In particular the following divisions must have zero remainder: nxmax/nblocks(1), nzmax/nzmax. Furthermore, for iflow>0 cases also nxmax/nblocks(3) and nymax/nblocks(1) cannot have remainders. The product nblocks(1)*nblocks(3) must equal the total number of launched MPI processes.

tresduc ximp deflec tresduc is the weno threshold (weno is active if the shock sensor value exceeds tresduc), ximp is the shock abscissa and deflec is the shock angle. ximp and deflec are used only if iflow > 0.

idiski ncyc cfl nstep nprint idiski selects the start type (0=init, 1=restart, 2=collect statistics at runtime), ncyc the total number of iterations, cfl is the stability limit, nstep the interval of iterations between dt evaluation, and nprint the interval of iteration between output residual print

rm re (friction) twall/taw Mach number, number, and the ratio between wall temperature and adiabatic wall temperature.

istat nstat interval of iterations between statistics evaluation, number of abscissas for statistics extractions. nstat meaningful only if iflow > 0

xstat abscissas of statistic. Meaningful only if iflow > 0 20. 30. 40. 50. 60. 70. 80. 87.

dtsave dtsave_restart plot3d vtk dt_save is the time interval between field output, dtsave_restart is the time interval between output for simulation restart, plot3d is a integer which, if larger than 0, activates the plot3d format output, vtk is the corresponding integer to activate vtk format output

irand if < 0 produce not reproducible random sequences based on current time, if >=0 produces random sequences which are reproducible across different runs with the same configuration

Look at the input files in the examples folder to start with typical cases

Understanding the output files

Plot3d binary output files -- e.g. plot3dgrid.xyz and field_0001.q -- can be read using Tecplot or Paraview

VTK Rectilinear grid files -- e.g. field_0001.vtr -- can be read using Paraview.

Other statistics files are automatically produced according to the input configuration.

Channel flow output files

Residual file output_streams.dat

When running channel flow cases (iflow=0) the residuals file (output_streams.dat) contains seven columns:

  1. number of cycles,
  2. elapsed time,
  3. streamwise momentum residual,
  4. pressure gradient,
  5. bulk density (conserved to machine accuracy),
  6. bulk flow velocity (conserved to machine accuracy),
  7. bulk temperature. For instance, plotting the fourth column vs. the second allows the user to check the time history of the pressure gradient.

Mean flow statistics channstat.prof

The file `channstat.prof` contains the mean channel flow statistics.
This file is printed at the end of each run and it contains the mean flow statistics averaged
in the homogeneous spatial directions and in time (statistics are progressively updated in time at each restart if idiski=2, or collected from scratch if idisk=1).
The file `channstat.prof` contains 15 columns:
  1. is wall-normal coordinate, normalized with the channel half width
  2. wall-normal coordinate in viscous units
  3. wall-normal coordinate transformed according to Trettel & Larsson in viscous units
  4. mean streamwise velocity averaged according to Favre, normalized with the bulk flow velocity
  5. mean streamwise velocity averaged according to Favre, normalized with the friction velocity
  6. mean streamwise velocity transformed according to van Driest, normalized with the friction velocity
  7. mean streamwise velocity transformed according to Trettel & Larsson in viscous units
  8. mean density profile, normalized with the mean wall density
  9. Favre streamwise Reynolds stress, normalized with the wall-shear stress
  10. Favre wall-normal Reynolds stress, normalized with the wall-shear stress
  11. Favre spanwise Reynolds stress, normalized with the wall-shear stress
  12. Favre shear Reynolds stress, normalized with the wall-shear stress
  13. mean temperature profile, normalized with the wall temperature
  14. density fluctuations normalized with the mean wall density
  15. temperature fluctuations, normalized with the wall temperature

Boundary layer output files

Residual file output_streams.dat

When running boundary layer cases (iflow=1) the residuals file (output_streams.dat) contains three columns:

  1. number of cycles,
  2. elapsed time,
  3. streamwise momentum residual,

Wavplot files

The files wavplot_xxx_yyy.dat are ASCII files in Tecplot data format. The numbers xxx and yyy refer to the Cartesian MPI block to which the file belong. The files are printed at the end of each run. Statistics are progressively updated in time at each restart if idiski=2, or collected from scratch if idisk=1. The files contain the spanwise Favre averaged velocity components as a function of the streamwise and wall-normal spatial coordinates. The file contains four variables:

  1. streamwise coordinate normalized with the inlet boundary layer thickness
  2. wall-normal coordinate normalized with the inlet boundary layer thickness
  3. Favre averaged streamwise velocity component, normalized with the free-stream velocity
  4. Favre averaged wall-normal velocity component, normalized with the free-stream velocity
  5. Favre averaged spanwise velocity component, normalized with the free-stream velocity

cf files

The files cf_xxx.dat are ASCII files and the number xxx refers to the Cartesian streamwise MPI block to which the file belong. These files is printed at the end of each run. Statistics are progressively updated in time at each restart if idiski=2, or collected from scratch if idisk=1. The file contains 13 columns:

  1. streamwise coordinate normalized with the inlet boundary layer thickness
  2. skin-friction coefficient
  3. friction Reynolds number
  4. compressible shape factor
  5. incompressible shape factor
  6. boundary layer thickness, normalized with the inlet boundary layer thickness
  7. compressible displacement thickness
  8. compressible momentum thickness
  9. friction velocity
  10. Reynolds number based on the incompressible momentum thickness
  11. incompressible friction coefficient, according to van Driest II transofrmation
  12. Reynolds number based on the compressible momentum thickness
  13. mean pressure rms at the wall normalized with the wall-shear stress

stat files

The files stat_nnn.prof are ASCII containing the mean boundary layer statistics. The files are printed at the end of each run. Statistics are progressively updated in time at each restart if idiski=2, or collected from scratch if idisk=1. The number nnn indicates the global mesh index in the streamwise direction at which statistics are printed. The files contains 10 columns:

  1. , wall-normal coordinate, normalized with the local boundary layer thickness
  2. wall-normal coordinate, normalized with the viscous lenght scale
  3. Favre averaged streamwise velocity, normalized with the friction velocity
  4. streamwise velocity transformed according to van Driest
  5. density scaled streamwise velocity rms
  6. density scaled wall-normal velocity rms, in viscous units
  7. density scaled spanwise velocity rms, in viscous units
  8. density scaled Reynolds shear stress, in viscous units
  9. square root of the mean density, normalized with the wall density
  10. pressure rms, normalized with the square root of the wall-shear stress.