
Building a useful bank of ctf tools and usages

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CTF Tools

Primarily for tools used to solve CTF challenges


As you learn how to use new tools that could be useful for CTF's please add them here

Things you may want to consider adding with your contribution

  • Short details of the challenge it helped solve
  • Command line arguments and how you used them
  • Anything else you think could be helpful

All Around Tools

  • CyberChef - All around usage tool for transforming data
  • Wireshark - Analyze the network dumps.



  • pwntools - Python library for interacting with challenges, has extensions for python 2.7 and 3+
    • Has modules for ssh, nc, gdb, loading binaries for rop and disassembly
    • Used in most writeups or the code for writeups relating to pwning

Debuggers and Extensions

  • GDB - The GNU project debugger
  • GEF - GDB Enhanced Features GDB plugin that is like PEDA but all source is in one file and is better
  • PEDA - GDB plugin (only python2.7)


  • Binary Ninja - Binary analysis framework
  • Ghidra - Open Source suite of reverse engineering tools. Similar to IDA Pro.
  • Hopper - Reverse engineering tool (disassembler) for OSX and Linux
  • IDA Pro - Most used Reversing software
  • Jadx - Decompile Android files
  • Java Decompilers - An online decompiler for Java and Android APKs
  • Krakatau - Java decompiler and disassembler
  • radare2 - A portable reversing framework



  • BurpSuite - A graphical tool to testing website security.
  • OWASP ZAP - Intercepting proxy to replay, debug, and fuzz HTTP requests and responses


  • SQLMap - Automatic SQL injection and database takeover tooli
  • W3af - Web Application Attack and Audit Framework.
  • XSSer - Automated XSS testor
  • Nikto - Open Source (GPL) web server scanner which performs comprehensive tests against web servers


  • Bettercap - Framework to perform MITM (Man in the Middle) attacks.
  • Wireshark - Analyze the network dumps.



  • Stego Checklist - Checklist for solving stego challenges
  • StegOnline - Stego solver
  • steghide - hides and extracts data from files.
  • Binwalk - Can be used to search a given binary image for embedded files and executable code.
  • foremost - Navy's version of Binwalk (may catch something binwalk misses)
  • stegsolve - Can be used to find hidden information in files
    • Used to solve a hackthebox stego challenge
  • zsteg - Can be used to find steganography in png and bmp files
    • Used during affinity CTF to find hidden information
  • stegoveritas - Similar to zsteg
    • Used during affinity CTF to find hidden information


  • volatility - Common forensics tool for system memory dumps (can be finiky)


  • Google dorking - Using google to find things you shouldn't.
  • Shodan - Online webscanner service (note you do not have permission to view actual services; BE CAREFUL)


  • Webhook Tester - Useful for getting web requests to a public site without creating one
  • wiggle - Online wardriving site. Gives access to wifi network information across the contry
    • used on NCL past 2 seasons