
Final Project developed at soyHenry's Bootcamp - React | Redux | Nodejs | PostgreSQL | Express | Sequelize

Primary LanguageJavaScript

PROJECT DEVELOPED BY A TEAM - done at soyHenry's Bootcamp


  • This is our final project which allowed us to end soyHENRY's Bootcamp and say that we are FULL STACK DEVELOPERS.
  • The project's goal was to make easer and faster selling high level electronics using an online platform and multiply sells.

The e-commerce's home looks like this

2022-06-06 (4)

You are viewing Details of a particular product

2022-06-07 (3)

You are viewing how to start your Session

2022-06-07 (5)

You are viewing user's home

2022-06-07 (6)

Website's link

  • Once you click in the link you should wait kind of 10 seconds until the site/data is loaded. If it does not work try refreshing the page several time. Then you can try this app as you wish as an user only.
  • Should you have any inconvenience, please let me know.

Development team

Project's Goals

  • Build an E-commerce using React, Redux, Node, Express and Sequelize - PostgreSQL.
  • Use and practice all concepts learned in the soyHENRY's Bootcamp.
  • Learn better coding practices.
  • Learn and practice GIT's workflow, SCRUM and project management tools like TRELLO.
  • Use authentication processes and payment methods suchs as MercadoPago.


The main idea was to create an application which would allow the user to:

  • see all products the store offers
  • see relevant information of each product
  • add products to they wishlist
  • buy products in simple steps
  • add information about themselves: addresses, payment methods, name/lastname/phone number
  • get newsletters from the store
  • be in touch with any branch by using whatsapp

In the case of an admin it will allow to:

  • see / add / update each product the store should offer
  • see / add / delete categories for each product the store offers
  • see / add / update bracnhes
  • see / ban any existing admin or add new admins

What I learned and my participation

  • As part of the development team I learned:
    • a new way to organize and how to process information in the Backend, creating functionalities that until now I did not know were possible to do,
    • spread the code in several files to easy read it and find bugs or use the same path/route to GET different amount of information was mindblowing,
    • keep each State in the Redux's Store updated each time a request was performed so one can see changes in no time was something revealing,
    • use several files for actions and reducers in order to make it easier to follow the flow is something I will use from now on.
  • I participated:
    • creating routes and their functionalities,
    • coding some complex site's functionalities that required to be envolved in the Frontend as well as in the Backend, for example:
      • any user can update information about Name, Lastname, Phone number and Birthdate: I developed the entire code for this action (Front and Back End),
      • an admin can See, Add or Delete any category the store / products require: I developed the entire code for this action (Front and Back End),
      • coded part of the seeder that allowed the e-commerce to show LATAM countries,
      • did QA / QC controls when Pull Request where performed by others. This was one of the most satisfying processes I performed.

What we achieved

Any User can...

  • ...log in using Google or its own email.
  • ...log out in order to protect its account.
  • ...add, see and remove any product from their wishlists.
  • ...use the searchbar to find out a list of products while typing.
  • ...get a confirmation email after bying products.
  • ...get an email after the order was despatched.
  • ...see history of orders.
  • ...see details of any order including any product bought, quantities and date.
  • ...subscribe or not to the newsletter.
  • ...modify their personal data: name, lastname, phone number and birthdate.
  • ...add new addresses for the products they buy.
  • ...add reviews for those products they bought.
  • ...see the wishlist.
  • ...pay using MercadoPagos' platform.
  • ...chat or find out information about branches via Whatsapp.

Any admin can...

  • ...see a list of orders and filter / sort / find any particular one.
  • ...see / update products' data.
  • ...see / update branches' data.
  • ...see / add / delete categories.
  • ...see / add / delete countries where the company has branches and/or sell products to.
  • ...manage the stock.
  • ...change any order's status and follow the life cicle.
  • ...change the status of any user to admin or viceversa.
  • ...ban any admin or user.
  • ...notify any user via newsletter when a product is available.
  • ...see the history of all the emails sent via newsletter.
  • ...admin. emails sent (frecuency, templates, etc...) and which user or users are targeted.

Any Guest can...

  • ...see and move around the e-commerce's site.
  • ...refresh the page or go away and come back and still have the cart with products already selected.
  • ...edit or buy the same cart after loging in.
  • ...create an account and enjoy user's benefits.

How it works

  • Clone this repository,
  • Run npm install in folders Api and Client,
  • Run npm start in both folders Api and Client,
  • Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser if it does not pops up automatically
  • Should you have any problem when running start:
    • first check the file index.js in folder api/. Replace there force in line 37 with force: false
    • if still does not work, delete node_modules and package-lock.json in both folders API and CLIENT and run npm install again.